The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

My husband and I were on this ride just a couple of months ago. Ride the Texas Giant and DIE

They recently put a steel track on the thing to smooth out the ride, and made new cars for it. I remember thinking that there wasn't enough keeping us in, or at least not enough to hold onto in front. There's basically nothing to grab except a little knob with the likeness of a saddle horn near your crotch on the safety bar. I really don't think it's sufficient for such a monster of a roller coaster.
I would like to congradulate Tranquillian with the engagement :) Hello from summer 2004 ;)
Yep :)

And no, not in the fb - I just saw your message in UM about the holiday or smth by chance today :) It's nice to see you are fine!
I haven't been in UM for ages!
UM became so-o dull /amazing you're still here/, so there is one thing left interesting here - e-mails from friends...

btw I have never been hidden
stopped by wallmart on the way home to get some supplies for my camping trip this weekend, and as i approached the checkout lines i noticed every line was jammed up with black women with children and heaping full carts and i was like wtf and then the realization hit me:

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When I worked at K-mart we always called the first of the month Mother's Day.

There's a dopewhore waiting at home
Dealing your shit on the chemophone
Poor Tawana gets born with a birth defect
But it only increases your welfare check
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stopped by wallmart on the way home to get some supplies for my camping trip this weekend, and as i approached the checkout lines i noticed every line was jammed up with black women with children and heaping full carts and i was like wtf and then the realization hit me:

Video Link:

Never go near a Walmart on the first of the month. Fucking welfare
Never go near a Walmart
Good advice right there.

Oh sure I go to Target instead and that's just as bad in nearly every way, but then again not really. I'd love to pretend that the worst part about Walmart are their disgusting business practices, but no, it's the clientele. Combine shitty people with aisles that are never wide enough and you have a highly gross and possibly infectious formula.

We bought our betta fish from a Walmart though, we had some gift card and made an adventure out of it. "Let's go slumming!" His name is Real Solution #9 and he rules. Thanks, dirty-diapers-and-face-tattoos-everywhere Walmart.
I've only been to Walmart a few times but every time has been really uncomfortable. I genuinely feel threatened there.
I'm also averse to the upper middle class White person places like Whole Foods and Nordstrom. I don't feel threatened there though...just poorer than everyone else ha