The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

The Walmarts and Whole Foods stores around here are equally annoying in terms of customer crowds and rudeness. I can barely even stand regular grocery stores like Kroger anymore. My husband and I buy most of our groceries at Target. Much less crowded and annoying, and since they've revamped the grocery section, even the non-Super Target close to us carries everything we need. If we need something of the Whole Foods variety, we go to Sprouts instead.
When I worked at K-mart we always called the first of the month Mother's Day.

Good advice right there.

I'd love to pretend that the worst part about Walmart are their disgusting business practices, but no, it's the clientele. Combine shitty people with aisles that are never wide enough and you have a highly gross and possibly infectious formula.


I've only been to Walmart a few times but every time has been really uncomfortable. I genuinely feel threatened there.
I'm also averse to the upper middle class White person places like Whole Foods and Nordstrom. I don't feel threatened there though...just poorer than everyone else ha

use the self check out lines at walmart and conveniently forget to scan something. if they catch you, just say you didnt see that $35 brand new Breaking Bad Season 4 DVD and brand new Spartacus season 1 set under that $.98 mailing box.

it also helps if you have kids with you, as you can act like they are being annoying and the cashiers will ignore you.

i love walmart
yesterday i went swimming in a lake with my iphone 5 in the pocket of my swimming trunks

No. But I did get this.

Arguably better.
Open up the album and it reads "free form sludge and black psychedelism" on an extended version of the cover art and the booklet has the strichformel (no clue what the english word is for that sorry) of a powerful psychedelic. It does what it says on the box, the sound is like sluge + lovecraft on acid to my ears. This album doesnt seem to be on youtube though and all google finds are fucking reviews...