The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Around 5:30 a.m. today, CU Police received a report of a burglary in Smith Hall that occurred around 5 a.m. An intoxicated man briefly entered a Smith Hall room between 1 and 5 a.m. and then left. It’s unclear if the door was locked. The two females living in that room believe the same man returned around 5 a.m. A female victim awoke to a man standing over her and possibly masturbating on the victim. Her roommate screamed, and the man quickly left.

:lol: an email I received from my college this morning, college is great
I was searching some shit on RC and ran into a shitload of tradelist threads and threads with us sending cd-r's of music to each other to check out, trading cd's, etc. Damn, I miss those fucking days. Nowadays, you can just download pretty much any album mentioned at any time. Kinda spoils it all. [/nostalgia]
I was searching some shit on RC and ran into a shitload of tradelist threads and threads with us sending cd-r's of music to each other to check out, trading cd's, etc. Damn, I miss those fucking days. Nowadays, you can just download pretty much any album mentioned at any time. Kinda spoils it all. [/nostalgia]
I still have this great pile of CD-Rs and go through them about once a year, picking out random things to listen to. It's at least 100 discs and just recently I was spinning two mix CD-R thingies, one from Maren and the other from Max (I think). Good times!
As happenstance had its way with me tonight, I just donated $100 to Doctors Without Borders as I was listening to Arghoslent.
Got the day off from work tomorrow because of the JFK 50th anniversary/memorial thing that will be happening right across from where I work. The president of the school decided to shut us down tomorrow because of all the traffic, protests, and other chaos that's expected to take place. I'm okay with this, especially because the weather is supposed to be SHIT tomorrow and I won't have to get out in it. :kickass:
Conspiracy theorists, students against police brutality, and who knows what else. Westboro Baptist Church was at Dealey Plaza this past Saturday to let us know that JFK is in hell and that we're all going to hell too.
Another convert. I couldn't imagine going back to cotton socks at this point. I'd probably say FTW if I had to make that immense sacrifice.

The Legendary Pink Dots - The Maria Dimension because I could use a third album from them.
The Fountain - Blu Ray AND the graphic novel, which I didn't know existed until the other day.

EDIT: Oops I thought this was the I Bought Some Thing thread. Oh well, it stays here anyhow.