The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

white chocolate generally rulez but i don't think these covered with white chocolate is a thing in sweden
I'm addicted to Lindt 90% dark chocolate and have been for a long time now. I agree, 85% minimum.

I still look back fondly on all that weird swedish candy that Erik sent me one time during the yore of RC rando-package exchange.
Super important question here.
Do you guys rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth?
I did my whole life and few days ago saw that tons of sources on google saying that you need to just spit the paste out without rinsing, it works better this way.
I saw it in the movies before but thought they were just saving the screen time.
That makes no sense. Don't most toothpastes tell you not to swallow the toothpaste? If you don't rinse, then you're swallowing toothpaste residue all day.
Team dark chocolate, 85% cacao minimum. Milk and white chocolate is great as coating like this bretzel shit, but dangerously addictive.

If we're talking about eating an actual bar of chocolate then definitely 85% cacao. I buy those Lindt bars and then break off pieces and put a few in plain yogurt with granola, raspberries, and blueberries. It's a better dessert than eating some overly processed or sugary crap.