The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

had a dentist tell me this within the year. Everytime I go to the dentist they tell me some shit that was the opposite of the year before
A lot of dentistry upkeep isn't based on evidence, it's just best practice bc it doesn't hurt you and generally helps. This seems like hack dentists using their authority with no evidence.
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I cut up a 28 lb pound turkey and smoked it for the racist in laws. I made smoked texas turkey breast, disney style smoked turkey legs, and smoked bbq turkey thighs. Forgot to take a pic of the leg, so they sent a pic to me.
maybe they still call the Washington football team the Redskins.

i re-listened to arghoslent and didnt think much of them, tbh. sold their stuff years ago.
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I try to spend as little time with them as possible. My wife says she wants to work on them, not for me to do it. Whatever.
I agree. They are from the suburbs of Chicago. From my understanding, their parents were pretty horrible racists (1930's type), so there were brought up with it. Over the past thirty years being fed conservative radio and fox news has made way worse. they hid it really well for a long time, and now they don't care. I haven't been around for this, but droping nbombs at home around saying they are ruining chicago,etc.
Yeah, well Drumpf has made all the closet racists and white supremacists come out in droves with all the whistleblowing. Let me guess...they listen to Rush Limbaugh as well. My skin crawls just typing his name.
Yeah, well Drumpf has made all the closet racists and white supremacists come out in droves with all the whistleblowing. Let me guess...they listen to Rush Limbaugh as well. My skin crawls just typing his name.
i wouldn't be surprised if he listens to Rush.