The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

Grammaw lived off of Coke, cigarettes, frozen dinners, and Starbucks for 92 years. Also, vodka.

She smoked for 77 of those years and finally quit on a whim because she grew tired of smoking.

Her friend had a Lincoln Town Car, but couldn't drive. So my Grammaw would drive her around to the casinos so that they could smoke all day and then smoke some more all night. In their fucking 80s.

If I tried living off Doritos I'd be dead in 2 weeks. They don't build 'em like they used to, that's for damn sure. But, am I referring to humans or snack food?

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Friend of mine has a teenage daughter and I found out she has a "special friend" as of late and we had the following discussion:

me: "ohhhhhh a boyfriend?!?!"
parents: *silence*
me: "...girlfriend?"
parents: *more silence*
mom: "gender neutral."
me: *silence*
me: "well i guess when you start seeing the world like Hank Hill, it's a sign yer gettin' old. anywho, what else is new with y'all?!"
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See the tourney through first, we'll discuss gerontology all you like later

I deleted my "ahhh im tired" post. Got a second wind of sorts, just need to get the blood flowing.

My concerned rests that I slept fairly well and havent boozed in 10 days. Should have more get up n go. Though ive been pretyu active lately, so may just be body telling me to chill.

Really wish our physician Dorian were still around. I need him to check my test levels.
my grandma's brother smoked cigarettes every fucking day for a whole hundred years
from 12-years old till he died at 113
since i don't smoke tobacco (and because of some other stuff i might mention later)
i think i have a pretty good shot at being one of those people that lives to be 120
i don't wanna live that freaking long
i think at 100 i will prolly kill myself just from being bored with being alive
so somebody mentioned Celine Dion getting "nude" for "a magazine photoshoot"
and i somehow totally thought she was going to do one of those "i'm naked but you can't see any nipples or pussy" kind of things
(amy shumer has done one, jennifer aniston, ashley graham, venus williams as well)
so i'm totally surprized when i google-image-search "celine dion naked" (about 24 hours ago) and i'm seeing her just boldy displaying her nipples and pussy