The (Unofficial) write anything you want page - part 2

so somebody mentioned Celine Dion getting "nude" for "a magazine photoshoot"
and i somehow totally thought she was going to do one of those "i'm naked but you can't see any nipples or pussy" kind of things
(amy shumer has done one, jennifer aniston, ashley graham, venus williams as well)
so i'm totally surprized when i google-image-search "celine dion naked" (about 24 hours ago) and i'm seeing her just boldy displaying her nipples and pussy
Those ones are photoshopped, surely.
Did anyone else used to find Ellen Page hot?
No i never thought she was hot, I mentioned in some other threads that I'm attracted to Tessa Fowler's boobs, so I can honestly say that even before she had that boob-removing surgery I was actually already thinking that Ellen Page's boobs were a little too small to be sexy
People who work on their cars incessantly annoy this piss out of me. ESPECIALLY in an apartment setting. Turds the next complex over always parking their shit in the cul de sac, revving their engines, and having loud chats over v8 blocks. Do these fuckers work?
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most hilarious troll-post EVAH

GTFOoRC you fucking pedo faggot!

i spend all this time on GMD Social making a billion posts about how i'm in lust with Tessa Fowler's Huge Bouncing Boobs
and how i love Kelly Divine's Giant Jiggly Junk-In-The-Trunk

and when i post in RC for the first time in forevah
i get randomly out of nowwhere accused of being a "pedo faggot"

and what makes it pretty obviously a troll-post
is the fact that no-one said shit about the guy that's still in lust with Ellen Page
even though Page has never actually looked older than 12
and now she looks like a 10-year-old boy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Are you Lord Red Dragon or is this case of mistaken identity?

Honestly dont give a shit either way as long as you keep yourself confined to the T & A threads or dont post something akin to VOLA. Knock yourself out bud.
so this crazyness seems to be what happens when horribly intoxicated people are allowed to dress themselves

Not sure if youre serious, but I do buy the meth bit. Its all good, RC has always had one house negar/retard. You can fill the void left behind by the likes of LRD (if youre not him,) EverLostinDeadEternity, and Plastic Nathrakh.

You as the resident house negar have an esteemed lineage to follow.

Stick around forum jiggaboo, may the parmesan upon your shag carpeting be not confused for fumbled crystals. :kickass:
One of my co-workers has been sustaining himself on a steady diet of Doritos (family size) , Twinkies, Hi-Chew, and Arizona Ice Tea. No it's not Macaulay Caulkin.


This "diet" is still on going a month later. Except this go around he started the shift with two dorito bags and a coke. 1k cals of shit off the bat. Now this would be NO big deal, idgaf if he keels over mind ye. The problem lies with his mind going to waste due to malnourishment. Ive already bailed him out of two blunders in recent times. Dude's wits has been enraptured by the void.

Do Ameritwats know about Discogs? 90% of sellers are from Europe. :erk:

Fooqin fags probably traded their methull collections to Amoeba Records years ago.

Agreed. Even American bands on American labels are only sold by the eurobeans sometimes.

I am happy to see a lot of euro labels create domestic stores. They got smart.

I aint paying those euro exchange rates.