The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

just got back from a 34 minute walk. Fuck it's humid outside.
gonna drive it tomorrow and see my distance traveled

34 minutes walking at a brisk pace is about 2 miles

Congrats on being pregnant Omni. If I were you I'd be riding the Superman at Six Flags but I understand that some people actually like children.

Are you getting married because you're pregnant?
Congrats on being pregnant Omni. If I were you I'd be riding the Superman at Six Flags but I understand that some people actually like children.

Are you getting married because you're pregnant?

I've been engaged longer than I've been pregnant. He's a very nice guy, so I think he'll do right by me as a husband and a father.

Wait, they're a couple?

No, but people have frequently made it an ongoing joke on this site due to our close friendship.

No, but they're so alike they might as well be.

We're not as alike as we pretend to be when people compare us, but we are pretty similar in opinions a lot of the time. I hadn't actually spoken to Matthew in quite a while before a few weeks ago.
That's exciting and I wish you well.

I don't think they're that similar. That's like saying Krig and I must be a couple because we both talk about poop.
Back in the day, they backed each other up and complimented each other to the point where some of us wondered if Dodens had created a puppet account to trick us into thinking he had a girlfriend.
It seems as if every female poster that runs through here is best buds with dodens at some point, krampus, Val, and Alina aside. Eventually they seemingly annoy him to the point where he trashes them on the forum but yet they (the chick poster) pretends like he's just joking until they finally get it and leave forever. That's generally how this shit works.

Omni's next. :heh:
Matthew considers me a good enough friend to buy me a very expensive limited edition vinyl release while I was unable to get online to buy it myself, in order to make sure that I didn't miss my chance to purchase it because of how fast it was selling. He's also one of the few people that I've ever met online who is genuinely concerned about me if I'm not online for an extended period of time.

You have a pretty poor grasp of our friendship.
I am so psyched for my trip back to the homeland. Leaves Wednesday morning and it's technically Friday super early morning here now. I went to my friend's restaurant for dinner and she surprised me with macaroni and cheese (WIN) and we talked about our trip and did yoga. I had a really horrible day at work (the air conditioner is broken and it's like 35 C and the school is on a hill) and a failed run (too hot, felt dizzy) but hanging out really cheered me up.
afaik I'm still friends with Alina? I still like Valerie although she blocked me because I jokingly called her a moron or whatever. Susperia was definitely justified. There are like 5 people in the world who like her. I still talk to Susan (s_a_o) as well. I also talk to Jean-Pierre, Brandon, Guy, Andy, and David (MalignParadigm) too. What exactly is the point of this discussion? I generally don't discuss things involving my personal life, whether in 'the real world' or online, and prefer not to have it discussed by people who know nothing about me as well. I don't feel the need to post about whenever I hang out with friends as though the act of doing so validates me as a person.
I must be, if people like King Richard the mighty Colts blogger of GMD take time out of their day to baselessly speculate about my online friendships.

I wasn't speculating about anything, merely restating some common knowledge about former female posters here. I didn't say anything about your "friendship" with dodens. Stop making stuff up.