The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Devasya Chāyā;9564389 said:
Contemplating creating a sitcom that involves normal people doing normal stuff with the addition of studio laughter after things that aren't funny.

Also, gruesome screams of torture/pain from the audience after physical comedy moments. Would be so confusing and a good study on how canned [whatever] affects reactions of the viewing audience.
So ironic and meta. The dialog should be in a dead language that no one has ever heard of too.

Unless I want to make a sitcom about some ancient place that more than likely has ethical standards that conflict with ours, I should just make it about nerds who never leave their house and only talk in ancient languages. It could be called "Dev and Zeph" or something.

Also, gruesome screams of torture/pain from the audience after physical comedy moments. Would be so confusing and a good study on how canned [whatever] affects reactions of the viewing audience.

That's an awesome idea. I could get different groups of people and show them the same clips with different noises and see how they react to them.

edit: I'm imagining a childbirth scene with very ominous music.
20...21 in October (lotz of beerz)

I just worked out for the first time since like, senior year high school. I totally just killed myself.

PUMP IRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am totally seeing results just from doing like 30 minutes of retardedly easy body weight exercises 4-5x a week for less than 2 weeks. I really want to get into serious weight lifting when I move back to the USA and have access to a gym. My friends who lift can eat whatever the fuck they want all the time.
Drinking a fresh bottle of Shiraz,I will then proceed to drink a 23 year old bottle of Shiraz while intermittedly having shots from a 20 plus year old opened bottle of Drambuie.I don't expect anything big to come from my quarters tommorow :)
The way this second bottle is going I would'nt be's corked, definately tainted,it's brown and tastes like shit but I'll just disregard those factors and look forward to an early death tommorow :)
Man, I wonder how many of us are still going to be here 20 years from now. I mean, seriously. :lol:

I know the idea of having a social life and/or lifelong friends on the internet still seems wierd to a lot of people, but sites like this fill a pretty large niche for many of us.
It's not that weird and it's not like having e-friends means you have no IRL friends like some people seem to think it does. Haters can hate but they're the ones who are missing out on meeting/getting to know potentially cool people
I've actually found that I don't really find many new bands from this forum any more. Back in the day I'd just youtube whatever people had in their signatures and see if I liked it, if it was 80s I probably would. You guys are.... great. Uh, something. Having a social life sometimes seems to just mean getting wasted at the weekend because every fucking nerd has a nerd posse that speak quickly about references to games and trivia and shake nervously whilst doing so.
still posting on UM in 20 years?
And if one should leave during that time, don't come begging us to take you back then either. Because we don't take kindly to poseurs here. We'll just tell you to leave the fucking hall like we do with everyone else.