The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just got back from a swim at the beach with my dogs. Heading down south tomorrow for Christmas. Five days at Albany, a beautiful and quiet small coastal town 400km south of Perth.

Albany is a perfect place to spend summer. Love it down there.

I'm off to Sydney tomorrow for a week of mayhem with my best mate.

My mate has gone a bit overboard as he tends to do in general - he has bought for Christmas day, for three people:

6 lobster
5kg yabbies
2kg prawns
1kg smoked salmon

Plus we have several bottles of Belvedere vodka to work through.
Currently thinking about various different possibilities for band names for a death/black metal band I want to start. My girlfriend helped me out with this tonight. She is an English grad student so she's familiar with some old English and whatnot and suggested a bunch of cool sounding names that have really fucking metal meanings. Kind of a weird way to come up with band names since girlfriends are highly unmetal but she seems to understand what sort of things will be acceptable and what things will be false/unmetal, so that's very good.

I have a whole concept of what I want this thing to be, and I even have some lyrical concepts worked out. I have riffs which might be described as the bastard child of Adramelech and Sacramentum. I need to find a drummer but at this point I'm so out of touch with the metal people in my area that it's difficult to recruit people. I plan on doing all guitars and vocals and possibly bass if I can be bothered to buy a bass and a suitable amp for that. Whatever, I just know that I need to make something that I'm proud of (a good demo or something) before I depart from my Earthly existence.

Cool story bro.

Seriously though good luck. Post some stuff once you've recorded.
Just about packed, leaving straight from work tomorrow to go to the city to hang out with Man-Purse for my bday/Christmas and then to the airport. I am at that point where I'm totally convinced I have forgotten something crucial.
Albany is a perfect place to spend summer. Love it down there.

I'm off to Sydney tomorrow for a week of mayhem with my best mate.

My mate has gone a bit overboard as he tends to do in general - he has bought for Christmas day, for three people:

6 lobster
5kg yabbies
2kg prawns
1kg smoked salmon

Plus we have several bottles of Belvedere vodka to work through.

Looks like a seafood OD for sure. You can't beat barbequed yabbies. We'll be having prawns on Christmas Eve, then a full traditional roast on Christmas (turkey and ham). Plus plenty of marron from my uncle and aunts' farm throughout.
Every woman's body has certain amount of gayness that everybody should try to eliminate. This chick is really cool and I always touch her ass. She also likes to drink for the whole night and yesterday we ended up in some shithole bar at 5AM. It's a girl for me. Almost no gayness.

Well then, it's all good. Send a thought to a Swedish metal brother next time you touch her sweet supple alluring bodacious butt and .... aaaah ... and

Sitting at work on my birthday with nothing to do. Gonna poop soon. All those pushups have paid off, my suitcase is heavier than normal but I can hoist it over my head no problem.
happy birthday!

though it's probably a pretty shitty time to have a birthday, since your parents probably gave you birthday + christmas presents at the same time thus resulting in fewer presents.

Nah, they gave me a fuckton of money (that depends on one's definition of a "fuckton" but considering I probably make more money than they do it is) and 15 wrapped gifts in the mail. Being an only child rules. Plus I figure they're just pleased it's all out of the way in 2 days.

I personally love having my birthday at this time but the obvious drawback is that it's hard to do anything social because everyone's at home with their families and whatnot. I'm going to the city to hang out with Man-Purse tonight and tomorrow. I think he's gotten me an entire cake.
I have a whole concept of what I want this thing to be, and I even have some lyrical concepts worked out. I have riffs which might be described as the bastard child of Adramelech and Sacramentum. I need to find a drummer but at this point I'm so out of touch with the metal people in my area that it's difficult to recruit people. I plan on doing all guitars and vocals and possibly bass if I can be bothered to buy a bass and a suitable amp for that. Whatever, I just know that I need to make something that I'm proud of (a good demo or something) before I depart from my Earthly existence.

If you don't mind me asking, what is the process of constructing a song like for you? Do you begin with a purely conceptual abstraction and build upon that with music/lyrics (if so, which of the two comes first?), or do the separate elements sort of come into being exclusively in no particular order? I only ask because I've recently been getting on myself about actually making something that will turn into a coherent release years down the road, and I feel like I need to start experimenting with different methodologies.

Nah, they gave me a fuckton of money (that depends on one's definition of a "fuckton" but considering I probably make more money than they do it is) and 15 wrapped gifts in the mail. Being an only child rules. Plus I figure they're just pleased it's all out of the way in 2 days.

I personally love having my birthday at this time but the obvious drawback is that it's hard to do anything social because everyone's at home with their families and whatnot. I'm going to the city to hang out with Man-Purse tonight and tomorrow. I think he's gotten me an entire cake.

Ah yeah, forgot about the only child thing. Definitely compensates to say the least.

Enjoy the cake and the manpurse.