The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


hey if winter turns you down, fyi I'm having trouble in paradise too... :rolleyes:

you know I would help you out :saint:

:lol:!! Form a queue missy ;)

Yeah I know you would. Thank you! The fucker is still in bed. His brother just called for him and he's pretending to be asleep. We're meant to be going out today so I can get my new tattoo priced.... but he doesnt want me to get anymore.
:lol:!! Form a queue missy ;)

Yeah I know you would. Thank you! The fucker is still in bed. His brother just called for him and he's pretending to be asleep. We're meant to be going out today so I can get my new tattoo priced.... but he doesnt want me to get anymore.

what a dickweed. I hope you withhold sex for a week. That should teach him.

also, can't we share? ;)