The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Waking up, listening to Judas Priest. This is going to be a long week for me at work since my supervisor will be out of the office for two days. This is my third week on the job and I'll be all alone tomorrow and Thursday. :(
Just woke up. Thinking about if I want to make myself some scrambled eggs, or just have some cereal for breakfast.
Just got back from downtown. I met a dude in a used record store who is a pretty sweet metalhead. We chatted for a bit, I bought a copy of "Storm of the Light's Bane", he gave me a copy of Enslaved's "Frost" because he said it would change my life, and now we are going out to dinner on friday.
I guess we'd have to see what he looks like to determine if that's creepy or not, but I trust your taste.
Cool. Good luck.

Although he could just be a guy who hangs around with copies of Frost hoping to score dates...

Just woke up. Thinking about if I want to make myself some scrambled eggs, or just have some cereal for breakfast.
Spaghetti and Morbid Angel, ldo.

Trying to decide between another final fantasy marathon or just playing guitar all day...
Thankfully my wii sold! I probably lost a lot of $ from how much I bought it for but hot damn I had to get rid of it. Now I just gotta figure out how 2 ship it.

Gotta go to sleep.

I have such a bad hangover it's killing me. Some friends and I drank liquor in the woods(far in) having to cross little bridges and when we left I and another friend ended up falling in the the fucking river and we both have no idea how the hell we got out and ended up ditching two other people going to another town skinny dipping with two females in the middle of nowhere getting even more drunk. One of them was suppose to bring us back to town, but instead stopped at her boyfriends and he comes out all pissed off and yells 'get the fuck out of my truck'. We're both soaked and i'm like dude we better get the fuck out of this guys truck before shit hits the fan. We both got back to town at 6 in the morning.

I feel like such shit and should have just rented a movie last night. I left my boxers at some beach and am wearing just jeans:).

I'm not drinking for a week.
Putting together my new bed since i broke my old one last saturday. Wish i could say that it was a wild chick who broke it but the sad truth is that i jumped in it.
Gotta go to sleep.

I have such a bad hangover it's killing me. Some friends and I drank liquor in the woods(far in) having to cross little bridges and when we left I and another friend ended up falling in the the fucking river and we both have no idea how the hell we got out and ended up ditching two other people going to another town skinny dipping with two females in the middle of nowhere getting even more drunk. One of them was suppose to bring us back to town, but instead stopped at her boyfriends and he comes out all pissed off and yells 'get the fuck out of my truck'. We're both soaked and i'm like dude we better get the fuck out of this guys truck before shit hits the fan. We both got back to town at 6 in the morning.

I feel like such shit and should have just rented a movie last night. I left my boxers at some beach and am wearing just jeans:).

I'm not drinking for a week.

Sounds like a fucking awesome night. :kickass:


Sober enough to correct my sentences.
I just wrote "Sober enought o ortct my sn" so i deleteit and rewrite it.

I'm gonna watch Hancock.

Btw, Thousand Years of Oppression makes me cum in my pants.
I wish I could go and drink in pubs, I'm only 17.

urgh mooo

listening to Ensiferum. don't care if no one here likes that type of thing.