The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Personally, I'd be too awed by the awesome to be scared if I walked into your apartment and you were smoking a pipe infront of an open fire with a silk smoking jacket on.


what if i had creepy haunted house sounds in the background and i walk around dressed like a creepy old butler

king diamond would be proud
i soo have a craving for good thai curry. arab curry is really bland. but thai curry, with coconut milk... oh man, great stuff
i love that curry varies from country to country. its the same, but totally different. each country does it differently.

there needs to be a curry resturaunt that makes different types from different countries. shit id love a good curry resturaunt period!

man, i miss japan now. we used to eat at coco's every week.
pumpkin ale? does it taste like pumpik pie?

getting ready to get "breakfast" which is really dinner for me

np chthonic