The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Guess who just hit level 40 and got their mount? I did :cool:


*casts Flame Protection: +82347 internet insult resistance*
Horde rox. I have a 70 troll hunter. Best class evar.

I stopped playing ages ago though thanks to a monetary crisis. I might start again when the expansion comes out.
I have a 64 Undead Warlock (played it alot on lvl 60, so got bored when BC came out and never lvled it up to 70). Started again awhile ago and playing an Undead Mage instead.
Like the undead, eh?

I had an undead rogue. Stopped playing it when I realised 50% of all horde seemed to consist of rogues, most of them undead. Got myself a tauren warrior, played it to about lvl 15 when I was about ready to rip him to pieces after watching his run animation for a couple of hours (sooo slow and annoying) and started my troll.

Also have a human priest and a gnome warrior, cos gnome tanks are cool.
@vilden: cloth-casters are all very well, but I prefer to get up close and personal sometimes. Though I do have a (rather low lvl) warlock that I like to screw around with.
Listening to Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells and trying to make a deal for a dumbbell set and bench with new weights with some dude on Craigslist. If he comes down on price I'll pick it up today.