The Worst Movie Ever Thread

I also hate the TV show Flight of the Conchords. It is retarded and boring. The only good thing they had going for them is that I saw Arj Barker in an episode, who is absolutely hilarious.

Some of the worst movies that I can think of:
- The Year of Living Dangerously
- Eyes Wide Shut
- Predator 2
- Snake Eyes
One movie I'd heard was really good but then found out otherwise was Good Morning Vietnam. I'm not sure if it was just dated humor or if Robin Williams was simply being an idiot, but that movie was painfully unfunny.
Thor The Conqueror. I think it's italian. Stars an incredibly wooden main actor/hunk with really really big hair. The hero nonchalantly rapes chicks, and that's the least glaring problem with the movie. Bad action, ugly hot female lead, etc. Just awful.