Top five In Flames songs

If i was stranded on an island and only had 5 In Flames songs to listen to, they would be

-Artifacts of the Black Rain
-Embody the Invisible
-Episode 666
-Dead Eternity
I love Inflames period. I tolerate and listen to the new stuff because I know what the band is capable of and realize that their nu metal/ nu thrashy stuff still beats the shit outta alot of newer radio geared metal. Same with Soilwork , but Dark Tranquility is aging like a fine wine. Character and Damage Done are excellent examples of the modern Gothenburg sound that has progressed and evolved. Nightrages albums as well. Dimension Zero reminds me alot of the Dismember/ old Entombed shit. Hints of melody but not over saturated and remaining harsh in the slayer esque thrash style. Nightrages last two albums are the closest Ill ever get to Thomas Lindberg making another At The Gates record. But thats okay with me because i like the Haunted as well. The Haunted is dark,slow,groovey thrash. Its depressing and I like it. If you havent heard Chainheart Machine, Predators Portrait, or Steel Bath Suicide then you are just doing a severe injustice to yourself. Dont tell me our IQ level has dropped when you cant even recognize musical superiority because you are to busy listening to your Figure Number Five and Reroute albums. I still like them but they dont hold a fucking candle. For a band from Denmark I think Mercenary released the best Gothenburg sounding album all year. Hours That Remain is killer. Thats my rant for the day.
Its not really an act, i am an elitist asshole. Everyone knows it and Im fine with it. Im happy with my elitist attitude. I like my swedish death metal single minded and narrow. I dont just listen to Melodeath either , I listen to lots of shit, but when it comes to melodeath I like it one way. I still dont know how people could say Hours that Remain was boring. Whatever. I like my thrash fast and melodic. Just picked up Destructions Thrash Anthems and cant stop listening to it. I hate kids and people who only know new stuff by bands that have 15 to 20 year histories.

A kid and his buddies came into my work a few weeks back wearing an Unearth shirt and Atreyu hat. i looked at him and said " You know your so called metalcore scene is a direct rip off the swedish metal scene of the early to late nineties and there wouldnt be a metalcore scene without At The Gates, Dismember, Dark Tranquility and Inflames" he looked at me and said he had no clue what i was talking about. I told him to leave then I walked off and had my boss help him. Fuck kids that dont know shit about music and their im so pissed off lifestyle.

Kalmah has been kicking the shit outta Children Of Bodom for years now. Some of you guys are the equivalent to music liberals you accept everything and everyone.

If the music that got you into metal still doesnt excite you when you hear it now then you were never really a fan but someone looking for something to grab hold of and make you seem different. Thats it. The albums that got me into metal 10 years ago still hold as much water to me today as they did when i first heard them. I listen to other stuff but the old shit never gets boring. Metal is a state of mind and gets in your soul.

And its not cool if someone thinks thats Come Clarity is their best album. With so much back history and great music to choose from its not possible to make that kinda decision. Yes its all opinion....but if your opinion is wrong then its wrong. My not here to appease the bandwagon that jumped on at Reroute , im here to educate the ill informed.
OHHHHHHHHH K, I think WE GET IT. You both know a lot about Metal, and have DIFFERENT opinions. The funny thing is i said Kalmah was better than Bodom in the bodom forum and got burned at the stake for it, but oh well. The point I'm trying to make is that Yeah some people will NEVER learn about the history of bands that release albums that kids like these days, I mean what would the world be if Metallica is remembered for the Unforgiven or Maiden is only remembered for Run to the Hills. However if kids are getting into metal in the first place, I'd say thats so much better than them following the latest Nellie album. With In Flames, Come Clarity was... I'm not even going to get into it because I almost cried when I heard it the first time. But at least kids are listening to In Flames, id take that over them watching American Idol. Either way, youre both right and youre both wrong, its how it goes. Just, I dono, educate or something, isn't that the key to world peace or something?
Dark Tranquility
Dark Tranquility
Dark Tranquility

If you're gonna be an elitist fanboy, learn how to spell the name correctly. It's "Dark Tranquillity", which you would know if you ever looked at an album cover, the website/Myspace, or a true DT fan's post. ;)
Im 24. I think i out grew your so called angsty teenage anger crap a long time ago. Never got into Norther. I dont pick on people, I simply stop speaking to people I have no interest in speaking to. Oh god i mispelled something. If thats the extent of your burn move along. I type fast and dont pay attention to my typing because I dont give a shit and if you cant figure out what Im typing then you shouldnt be reading a message board. Its a message board. Im sorry that i dont worry about my typing a little more. Make sure and quote it three times there Phil I dont know if i got the point. Good thing you came in at the end of the discussion. I dont think I was playing an internet tough guy, I wasnt threatening you. Also though even if we were in person id still tell you you are wrong. Thats the nature of the beast my friend.

Yeah you really owned me, man i just dont think i can recover from that. I dont talk to kids these days so i wouldnt know. I hate kids. Let them go listen to their system of a down and mudvayne that way they stay the fuck outta shows Im at and I dont have to deal with hardcore dancing. screw that gay crap or the little im so goth im dead kids.
Im 24. I think i out grew your so called angsty teenage anger crap a long time ago. Never got into Norther. I dont pick on people, I simply stop speaking to people I have no interest in speaking to. Oh god i mispelled something. If thats the extent of your burn move along. I type fast and dont pay attention to my typing because I dont give a shit and if you cant figure out what Im typing then you shouldnt be reading a message board. Its a message board. Im sorry that i dont worry about my typing a little more. Make sure and quote it three times there Phil I dont know if i got the point. Good thing you came in at the end of the discussion. I dont think I was playing an internet tough guy, I wasnt threatening you. Also though even if we were in person id still tell you you are wrong. Thats the nature of the beast my friend.
My god, you're a dumbass.

I'll start by giving you this handy list of Punctuation Rules so you can learn something about commas and apostrophes before you post again and attempt to overwhelm me with idiocy.

Let's address your age next. 24? You type like a nine-year-old.
Make sure and quote it three times there Phil I dont know if i got the point.
Yeah, that was the idea. I wasn't sure if your IQ was high enough to comprehend my post. ;)
I hate kids.
I do too, and I especially hate 9-year-old kids saying they're 24.
If you could see me, Im laughing. Psychology was my field of study, not english composition. Get over it.

You caught me. Pretending to be older is so grim and true I just coudln't resist.
Norther's cover of The Final Countdown by Europe kicks ass, among others such as Mirror of Madness and Last Breath. If you don't like them thats kinda too bad, but at least you like Kalmah, cuz the black waltz is the shit and that old man appearing on the cover gives me nightmares.