Traditional Doom Metal

i was exaggerating by calling it worship but there's quite a strong influence there at times, at least to these ears. granted i haven't heard their previous stuff except distantly their debut, haven't heard anyone else say that and i'm not much of a sludgehead so maybe ignore me lol. i'd check it out either way, it's good shit.
I can kinda hear it. My problem with these bands is that whole distant sounding vocal style with tons of echo. God knows bands ripping off bands is not really something that bothers me, but why did it have to be Electric Wizard and Sleep that gets ripped off the most in doom?
Yeah Faustcoven immediately sprang to mind. Underrated band. Rising From Below the Earth and Hellfire and Funeral Bells are so good.

Well, it's not exactly what I'm looking for, but it's not too shabby either, as I rather liked the Faustcoven song that appeared in the Alcohol playlist as I recall.

What I had in mind was something reminiscent of Dance of December Souls, but leaning more towards traditional doom metal.

not the best for doom, but the heavy rock legends oh em geeeeeeeeeeeeee
Captain Beyond, The Skull, Bang, Apostle of Solitude, Iron Man, Beezlefuzz, Wretch, Demon Eye, and Brimstone Coven have me pretty much sold. The other bands I've either never heard of or just don't care for but there is nothing on there that I actively dislike.