Traditional Doom Metal

Through the Darkest Hour is definitely my favorite Solitude Aeturnus album. You really can't go wrong with any of their material, though.
I know it necessarily doesn't fit but other doom thread is for faggots, whos got the Pittsburgh Sludge Metal live cd from Dream Death? Im listening to it now and it's fucking AWESOME the production and his vocals are making this an amazing release!
Anything similar to the sorta proggy trad doom sound of Revelation's "Release," preferably with the same amount of ridiculously amazing solos
is it available to order yet? i never listen to the free downloads. ive got about 5 AN releases. i'll definitely be buying Drawing Arrows It seems like all the SAINT VITUS concerts have focused on the classic era material since the initial reunion you did since 2003. Is there any talk about writing new material or recording together again?

Weinrich: We have and we are. We're writing some stuff right now. Everybody's pretty busy. I know I've been busy. The WINO band is pretty much on hiatus right now. So it looks like we'll be doing some recording in the near future. The bottom line is we would like to do a new record. There's talk about it. We've already been floating around a couple ideas. So yeah, somewhere down the line there will be a new VITUS record in the cards.
I saw Saint Vitus at Hammer of Doom last night and they fucking killed. New stuff would be cool, but they went out on such a high note with Die Healing that I don't think we really need another album. God forbid they would do a Trouble or Witchfinder General.
Vocals essentially slay anything that could be seen as a redeeming factor most of the time, and the music isn't too much to write home about.