Traditional Doom Metal

Is Warning's first album any good? I checked the year of release, and it's a seven years difference, which makes me wonder how much difference there is stylistically to WFAD.
Obviously it's stylistically different but if I had to pick a 2nd favorite Warning release it would probably be Blessed By the Sabbath before The Strength to Dream, though the latter is still pretty good.
Not really. WFAD slays harder.

comparing a doom metal album to Watching from a Distance is unfair, but the emotion is still there on Strength to Dream, just different vocals and not as much atmosphere. It's easily worth 15 dollars and imo an incredibly solid album
You just troll everyone's opinion...

So has anyone listened to Spiritus Mortis - The God Behind the God?
It caught my eye when I saw Sir Albert Witchfinder was behind the mic. I havent got a chance to give it my attention yet, but I have pretty high expectations.