Traditional Doom Metal

Buy the full-length and you'll hear more doom. I agreed initially about the production (and even wrote about it in my first draft of my review for it), but I've grown to appreciate it over time. It's similar to the production jobs on some of the newer King Diamond albums, which fits their sound.
Tim has it listed as "coming back instock soon," which means he has some on the way.
When did this Pate guy start posting? I'm only curious because based on his info he's attending the college I'll likely be starting at next year.

On topic: I like the new Revelation quite a bit, but not as much as Release. I've only given it a couple of cursory listens, but it seems to be a bit more "free" with the soloing and progression of the songs. This is good and bad; but it just doesn't carry the same emotional power that songs like "Once Summer" do for me. I expect this to change as I become more familiar with the album over the next month or so though.
Hour of 13 have returned to its former glory and reformed again as the original duo of Chad Davis and Phil Swanson. After a brief seperation Phil Swanson has returned to the fold and have completed their new CD "The Ritualist" with 8 new songs that are already contracted to be released in early 2010 by Eyes Like Snow (Germany; a division of Northern Silence Productions).

"We at Eyes Like Snow are honoured to announce that one of America's most highly regarded Doom Metal acts in recent history has agreed to release their upcoming albums through our label. The much anticipated second full length of HOUR OF 13 - "The Ritualist" - will be released in Feb/Mar 2010 on both CD and LP." - 11/26-09 - Torsten Suess / Northern Silence - ELS

After a very controversial debut that included a very public falling out from their previous label and thereafter Phil Swanson's untimely and unelated departure from the band, Hour of 13 have gone through many difficult tribulations in its short life span but without missing a beat the original line up is back in full swing with their second full length album, "The Ritualist".

"The Ritualist" is a shocking downward spiral into the occult that continues the concepts developed on the debuts notorius track "Missing Girl", taking the listener into a world of satanic ritual abuse and mind control brought on by the specualtion and hysteria of satanic panic as seen through the mind of Phil Swanson and layered with the truely dark and atmospheric musical tones and score of one Chad Davis.

Hour of 13 "The Ritualist"

01 - The Gathering
02 - The Ritualists
03 - Naked Star
04 - Demons All Around Me
05 - Evil Inside
06 - Soldier of Satan
07 - Possession
08 - The Crawlspace

Coming February/March 2010 on Eyes Like Snow.
Available on CD and LP. More merch to be announced.

Hahah, what? I didn't really see that coming. I was just getting into the replacement singer they had too. Oh well, this should be good regardless.
They wore off on me a bit after a while. The lyrics on the debut are also weird, sometimes a little too much, and/or silly/awkward, making it hard to really get along with as an album proper. Seamount's album is much better imo.
That label releases a lot of cool stuff, but they have terrible US distribution. I've had to resort to begging chase at HHR to stock their stuff :lol: hopefully he will get them in when it's out.