Traditional Doom Metal

I can easily pick apart plenty of his vocal lines and stand them against others and recall what songs they're in, etc. I guess maybe because I've given Seamount many more listens (probably because I'm a bigger fan of them than you happen to be). I don't think he sounds THAT similar within his own projects, and, to be fair, it is HIS voice...I don't know of too many vocalists in many different projects that always sound different or reinvent themselves; he does have a style, of course.
Phil Swanson is butter scraped over too much bread. I think he has an awesome voice, but he isn't very versatile and he has too many bands. I like this new Hour of 13 stuff a lot, not necessarily as much as the first lp. It's got an original bend to it, I've never heard a singer that sounds like Marc Storace from Krokus singing satanic metal. :lol:

It's pretty rad, I dig it.
As of now i am still closer to the "don't like it" side than the "like it", but I am gonna wait for the final mix to pass any solid judgment.
Yeah, I just listened to it again and it's much better this second time. The vocals are sitting within the song better than before. I think my reaction before was from both the poor mix on the vocals and just the overall change from what I'm used to hearing from the band. There's some solid hooks on the track.
Courtesy of 'balbulus' from the Revelation forum:

Metal Hammer 1992


After seeing this I'm convinced that Candlemass should replace Lowe with Leven.

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Not exactly doom metal, more power/doom metal, but Heathendom is seriously a band that deserves more praise. If you like King Diamond, Candlemass, and Memento Mori, then you should like these guys.


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Wow, that's two gay opinions in three posts.

Oftentimes on this forum, there are what most people could consider three gay opinions in the span of two or less posts, and therefore I find it odd that you'd comment on these particular gay opinions. Then again, they're about a band or bands you jack off to, so I guess maybe I'm not as confused as I originally was.