Traditional Doom Metal


This stuff Wino is releasing with Conny Ochs is fantastic. Got the double-album in the cigar box.
Hey Der you like that album? Been digging the samples on YouTube and checked out the album by the other guy...think im going to commit to buy that one of these days
I don't know if this well known already, but:

Dark Angel - The Promise of Agony said:
You wish I had a will to live?
This condition I'm in didn't happen overnight
I've hated myself for an eternity
Now I finally feel that I'm doing something right
As darkness descends I behold the Candlemass
I seek intimacy with death
Again, you're correct, these feelings will pass
When my memory is all you have left

Candlemass - The Well of Souls said:
He will not fear
though the Sabbath is near
twelve strokes for Candlemass darkness descends


Pretty cool band that just released an album on Dark Descent records.
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