Traditional Doom Metal

I never thought Hour of 13 was anything special but I've only heard their first album.

This, with the caveat that I don't think Hour of 13 is the best band that either member is involved in. Briton Rites is better for Phil Swanson and Set is the best thing Chad Davis is involved in.
Finally gave Lille: F-65 a listen, man that is just classic Vitus! Could do without the instrumentals though... Still, definitely gonna grab it next time I'm able.

And about Solitude Aeturnus; they never really clicked with me. On paper it should be a perfect match, but for some reason it ain't. Cool band though.
i don't really care haha, im legitimating asking if you want a roommate or not

I don't like you so...

But seriously, I already have 2 other people staying in the room, and I may have one more. I'll have to get back to you, I don't want too many people in my tiny room. This isn't MDF.
My top 5 Doom albums of all time (Fuck you I've been drinking)

1) Pagan Altar - Volume I
2) Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
3) Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
4) Warning - Watching From a Distance
5) Scald - Will of the Gods is Great Power

I don't know. Fuck it.
I should mention that that list excludes anything by Black Sabbath, otherwise it would look like this probably

1) Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
2) Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
3) Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
4) Black Sabbath - Paranoid
5) Black Sabbath - Volume 4
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So, anyone heard the new Candlemass yet? I got my copy in the mail this afternoon and my thoughts after the first listen are I definitely like it, althought it wasn't love at first listen like it was for me with King of the Grey Islands and Death Magic Doom. It does go without saying that Lowe sounds fantastic and the album is heavy as fuck and if you ask me, it's got the best drum sound Candlemass has ever had. I totally see this being a grower.