Upcoming Album... Anyone worried?

The departure of Peter and Lopez was devastating.......but i dont think it will have an impact on the new album....as Mike does almost all the writing anyway. But yeh more excited than worried about the new album
Well not exactly similar to it. But there will definitely more us of speedy double bass pedals with Axenrot as the drummer.

I don't think so actually.

Probably the beats and drum sequence's main style will not change to much to something heavier\more metal like, but obviously we will feel a difference. (I won't state whether i expect it for the good\bad\both cause I'll just make this thread into another lopez\axe-fan-bitching-mania-center...)
And even if it's total shit we'll still have to endure Opeth fanboys jerking off over it day and night.
you can always visit General Metal Discussion for a good contrast... and take part in discussing how Opeth is emo because they don't blast beat, or whatever they talk about over there
^^^ That's great !

Upcoming Album -- Can't wait !!!

Worried -- No !

As long as Mikael is creating music, I'll be along for the ride.

I'm a fan for life
I think Opeth will always release great records, but I can't see them releasing another groundbreaking one anymore. They've already reached their peak era with MAYH, Still Life and BWP.
i think that opeth have something to prove with this record and i expect the music to reflect that. i know mike does most of the writing but with a new drummer and new guitarist there are bound to be new ideas floating around. i think all the negativity that is floating around this forum is just providing the impetus to make a stellar album and force an unprecedented number of feet into their owner's mouths.
I don't think he's really "in the know", it's just a simple question of time. It's already August and Opeth aren't even in the studio yet.
I’d say I am more curious than worried. I believe that I will like it, and I have a strong suspicion that the album is gonna be great! As always!