Upcoming Album... Anyone worried?

I still can't grasp how anyone would believe Peter to be a better lead player than Mike.

Even just watching the original documentary you can see how Mike has a more confident grasp on the instrument. His melodic construction is second to none, IMO. Peter's melodic ideas were always very diatonic and confined/linear sounding. I mean just listen to the only solo he does on GR (Beneath the Mire). It instantly sticks out as a really bland, straight diatonic piece, rather than Mike's very fluent approach to the instrument.

I don't know. I can accept that people have differing views on music, and see how some consider BWP, Morningrise to be Opeth's best album and what not. But when it comes to something like this, I find it immensely difficult to relate to what the other side's mindframe is.

@Oinkness: Considering how many fans he likely has bombarding his inbox daily, I'd say just the pure fact that you got a single reply from Mike should be considered a privilege.
Hey man, I got the email, read it, and there's no confusion in my mind about what you wanted to say. You certainly pissed me off and then sent an interview request?? I do not understand what you're aiming at. Of course I wasn't going to respond to someone who's been disrespecting me like that. You're right in one thing, the email was sent a few months ago, some week after Peter left.

I was surprised to see you posting here again but the post about the solos was so wierd I had to respond. I don't know what guitarplayers you listen to, but I guess you're on the complete opposite side of the taste spectrum from me. And let's leave it at that.

have you even heard what he is capable of you moron? bloodbath is an oldschool deathmetal band wtf do you expect out of that, some moodfull jamming? and you can't ground his skills after hearing him play what lopez has played for nearly 10 years. Once Axe brings in the stuff he is familiar with you can perhaps discuss something WITH giving a grounding argument, so wait for their next album before you open your mouth.
I just think that Lopez's style has worked better with opeth. I've not been impressed with anything i've seen by Axernot (compared to lopez) live/in videos. I liked Lopez on the last Amon Amarth cd he played on, not much moodfull jamming there.

Its hard to imagine someone who is so essential to the sound of a band to easily be replaced. Besides, i can have any opinion i want before or after any cd.