What do you do with your life?


Jan 15, 2007
Illinois, USA
Just what the title says: What do you do with your life?

Me? Outside of concerts and horseback riding, I have no life. Graduate school has consumed my life. All this to go into a job where I get payed crap for a sallary. Damn being altruistic.

I'm a Counselor's Ed graduate student at SIU-C. In short - I'm going to be a therapist when I grow up.
Personal interests include going to concerts and shows, singing/writing for a band, cooking and baking, and enjoying time with friends (who are mostly :headbang: heads and/or :Smokin: heads.). :D

For money, I work at a marketing and PR firm that focuses on companies that work in the built industry (contractors, developers, architects, interior designers, real estate brokers, etc. you get the idea) ... Although my aspiration is to one day do what I do (marketing/promotion) for bands or a music label. I do that a little on the side (my band, the Flight of the Valkyries fest, etc.) but it's not to the point yet where that interest pays the bills.

By the way, great idea for a thread. I've often wondered this about many of our fellow PP attendees.
Hobbies.................Music (listening,playing drums in a cover band, going to very few concerts) I would love to go to more shows but life and location gets in the way.

Job......I have 2. I have a regular job which is Facility Manager of a large at&t call center and I also started my own business last year. My business is a print brokerage and I also dabble in Promotional proucts or ad specialties.

So if any one/band need print or advertising product....PM me here and I will help you out.
I work at a leading Bio Tech co in Facilities. Its a pretty demanding job and pretty fulfilling at the same time. I feel lucky to be there.

For life...Its the same as alot of us here, guitar and concerts take up alot of my spare time, hinging with friends, and sports as well...

I'm a full-time massage therapist and full-time ass-kicker. I don't do much outside of that, when I'm still in GA, as it's home base where I train and work (and doing both doesn't leave much time for anything). When I'm not in GA, I'm traveling, sometimes for a tournament, but mostly for the sake of traveling. Goal is to see the world, or at least the parts I won't get killed in, for being an American. :D
Massage therapist? I need to send my boyfriend your way, then. He's always got knots and twists and all sorts of unpleasant things because he carries all his stress through his shoulders and mid-back. One Masseuse even told him "relax!" and he said "I am relaxed!" and she was like "O_O"
Commercial insurance agent, handling customer service at a private brokerage. Started out 4 years ago and it's developing into an interesting career.

Free time is spent listening to music and living with my girlfriend. This summer, we've been watching every season of The Sopranos since she only got into the show last year.

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm also in a bowling league throughout the fall/winter, and I enjoy being outdoors in the summer - boating, swimming, traveling when possible, etc.
my occupation is painting cars

the rest of the time i, hang with friends, watch movies, play/listen to music, save money, burn time, and just try to stay entertained without denting my wallet too bad.
Yeah, that happens over time, the contracted state becomes the relaxed state. Stretching is a good start, and a good deep tissue/nmt therapist can help. But it will take time.

What I'd like to do is have him get rolfed. But I don't think his insurance would cover it, and he doesn't have the money one way or another. I've just told him to breathe deep and think about relaxing throughout the day.
I work full time for a leading investment firm (well, leading hedge fund really) doing IT support/helpdesk. Other than that I'm privately studying Jazz theory, writing music and going to festivals.

I haven't done more than a semester of college and have been working the last 5 years so I'll be looking to get back in school probably next year I guess...depends on if my career takes off or not. That said, my job is really underutilizing me...I need to branch out to something else so if anyone has any hookups for a training jr. unix/networking guy I'd be interested. I'll go anywhere for work too, I'm sick of New York City. :/

Not to give the impression that I don't love my job...I do. It's just that there's no time to build my skills and when I leave I'll be barely farther along than I am now.
What do I do with my life? Well...enjoy it of course. l like being outdoors...camping, fishing, etc...fishing l do year round when living in the South. Not sure which l like more though...fishing or my 90+ mph boat ;) l have a 25 year old daughter whom l adore even though she likes Slipknot, Coal Chamber, etc. She likes her music just as much as l like mine...that's cool. l'm single...been divorced for many years. I'm not into the dating scene, but there always seems to be a lady friend that occupies some of my free time.
For work, in the states l have been in management in the food processing/production industry for many years. Currently, l am in Kaliningrad, Russia doing some consulting with a Russian company. It has been a great & rewarding experience. And, it has afforded me the opportunity to get around Europe some...just got back from Italy...going to Greece in a couple of weeks. Hoping to catch DT w/SX opening here somewhere in Europe when that tour starts.
Just what the title says: What do you do with your life?

Me? Outside of concerts and horseback riding, I have no life. Graduate school has consumed my life. All this to go into a job where I get payed crap for a sallary. Damn being altruistic.

I'm a Counselor's Ed graduate student at SIU-C. In short - I'm going to be a therapist when I grow up.

SIU, Carbondale? Man, you brought back memories- I lived in Mitchell, IL (Granite City area) for the first 12 of my life.
Anyway, besides listening to metal and going to concerts, I love to hang out at my house on the lake, travel, bowl and take long walks. (No, this isn't a singles ad!)
I've been a legal assistant for 15 years but my clients think I'm really the lawyer which I guess I am, but without the big bucks (and the law degree). Go figure!
I hate my job as of late, as the company i work for is now trying to nickel and dime us out of benefits, just for the sake of the bottom line. Oh yeah, i am a Jr. VP repsonsible for Special Programs and Projects for the #3 defense contractor in the US, we have over 100K employees in 32 countries and all 50 States of the US, and also over 300 in Antartica.
For my free time, well #1 priority is my family, my wife of 24 years and my two daughters Mary, and Rachel. Music is #2 I was one of the people that put TEXAS MADFEST together, and I now have a little promotion and production company I am getting off the ground. I will retire in Dec for good, and just work on my company, then life will be good.
I'm a simple Georgia Tech undergrad student majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Right now I'm wrapping up a paid summer internship in Wilmington, North Carolina at Fortron Industries. It's been pretty fascinating working at a polymer plant and I'll be working at a similar site near Charlotte next summer, all with the company Ticona (a division of Celanese Corp.)

Other than schoolwork back in Atlanta, I work at GT's radio station - especially the metal show WREKage ( www.wrekage.org ) with Pellaz and dcowboys311. With the guestlist in our favor, I hit up a lot of shows and try to socialize with the regulars. I enjoy reading ancient/medieval epics, my sorority, and generally hanging out.
Let's see...I'm a graduate student finishing up my Masters in Computer Science in December, specializing in Information Assurance. I run my own private web design/hosting business on the side. I'm currently also interning in the IT department of the Federal Reserve for the summer, which will wrap up in a couple weeks just in time for my last semester.
I'm blessed to work in the glamorous field of IT consulting. When I'm not avoiding paparazzi I typically find myself involved in the various facets of the software life-cycle (design, programming, testing, etc.) for companies mainly specializing in distribution. Interestingly, while my work is almost confined to larger IBM computer systems (notably the AS/400 or iSeries if that means anything to anyone), I am a complete dunce when it comes to using a PC. Here I am an IT guy and I don't even have a PC at home! :lol: Guess I figure I use computers enough during the day at work. As a whole I generally enjoy my work although I do lately wonder what I really want to be when I grow up. Me? Grow up? Never! (you have but to look at my Sleestak avatar to know this to be true) hahahahahaha!!

In my spare time my passion is travel although I do not get to do it as often as I would like. While my job does have some degree of travel associated with it I usually don't like business travel because I can't really get out and see much. Recreational travel is what I like best! South America is my favorite place so far but I've visited a few other places outside of that continent too. The trips I usually enjoy are those I plan myself and that sort of challenge my comfort level. If I come back from a trip more tired then when I left to go on it then I feel as if I've had a successful vacation.
I love the outdoors, especially hiking and camping. I also enjoy trying to mix nature and history themes on my travels when I can. An example would be hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu which is very physically demanding but is also set in the beautiful Andes Mountains with Inca ruins scattered along the way before you actually reach Machu Picchu itself. I consider myself blessed to have been able to see the places I have seen.

Obviously, like many of you, I love metal and thought I was a fan until I joined this forum and now I see I have a long way to go to be a true fan like so many of you are. I'm constantly amazed at the length and breadth of peoples' musical knowledge and musical tastes in here. For me, class is always in session! I try to go to as many metal shows as I can even if I know little or nothing about the bands playing. I just enjoy the whole experience which seems to almost always be greater than the sum of its parts. This year will be my very first ProgPower USA and I am really looking forward to that!!

I also enjoy very much playing disc golf although I don't think I am very good at it. It's still fun nonetheless and it's a nice excuse to get outdoors. Sadly, with all the rain we have had in Texas (I live in Dallas) my disc golf outings have been greatly curtailed.

Lastly, I'm happily married to a beautiful Venezuelan who cheerfully lets me indulge in my metal activities and often she joins in the fun as well. Her rule, though, is the vocals better be clean! :lol: I also have a daughter from a previous marriage who I adore tremendously. She even volunteered with me at Texas Madfest this summer and we both had a blast!! :headbang:
Wife of Yippee38, right now we are having some fun while he is building his flight time. We took a fun flight to Michigan for an air show a month or so ago. I missed 2 flights to Wisconsin for various fun days. It's way too cool to hop in a plane with him!

Right now I'm unemployed (by choice) as I'm building multi-engine flight time. Hopefully, in about a month or so I'll be hired by a regional airline as a pilot.

Currently, by day I am an internal tool developer for a company that sells computer solutions to car dealerships :zombie: It's not as fun as it used to be.
By night, I am a fabulous candle lady. I have my own business I started to support Yippee's flying endeavor. Hoping that that business is grown enough by the end of the year that with Yippee working as a regional pilot I will be able to do only the candle gig full time and ditch the developer thing. :kickass:
We have 2 fabulous Australian Cattle Dogs and I love spending time with them, but don't as much as I would like. Took them swimming a few weeks ago and they loved it. Hoping to do more of that.
Of course, we love our music and hit as many concerts as possible in the Chicago area and we would never miss our annual Atlanta Pilgrimage.
I'm a runner, and for the last 4 years or so, I've run a half marathon every spring or summer.
We are in a bowling league 9 months of the year, it's totally fun and non competitive. We love golf, but we aren't great at it yet. We love water and snow skiing, but rarely get the chance for either.