What do you do with your life?

once you join the rat race, you're in it for 30-40 years. whats the rush?

Oh me, what do I do? Well, I'm 27 years old, and I'm also a computer nerd. I feel as if I'm on a slow pace to the top, due to laziness. I just left a job of 2 years for a small company doing a bunch of field work that could be considered consulting. It had its moments of fun, I'd spend probably 40% of my time getting paid to drive, which was awesome, but in the end, the owner of the company was a Cheapskate, and I found a job Supporting users at Arizona State University. Anyone who has any oppertunity to work for a College should take it in a second.

So now, here I sit, virtually nothing to do EVERY DAY except browse the web. Sure, I'm responsible for making sure 60-80 users are functioning optimally in the computer portion of their work day, but I have student workers to do what little work trickles in. It's nice to be a supervisor.
Anyway, in my spare time, I've devoted 2-3 years of my life to World of Warcraft, and laugh all you want, it's a socially rewarding experience. I've made a good number of friends from it.

Also, I, like many of you, LOVE to travel. San Diego is by far my favorite weekend getaway location, as it's beautiful. I'm giving up WoW for the forseeable future to concentrate on other things, like learning how to do home improvement type stuff. This weekend, the signifigant other and myself will (hopefully, due to afformentioned laziness) be laying wood flooring in the bedrooms.

I don't play any type of instrument, and frankly, any time I feel like I'd love to play guitar, I just pick up guitar hero. That facination ends quickly ;)

I'd like to make more money.. wouldn't we all? And plan on accomplishing that by Learning Cisco (high-end computer networking) over time and hopefully moving up in the college. That would be my ultimate goal. I'd also like to run some kind of internet buisness as a side project, but I have no idea what I could do. I just think it'd be fun.
Thats me in a nutshell though.
I've devoted 2-3 years of my life to World of Warcraft,

when that game got big, like over a few months i noticed that i had about half as many friends as i did before

i never played it myself though, more of a halo kind of guy
Very intersting thread! It does seem like we have a lot of technical people on the forum, including myself. I am a manager at a large market research company that is the world's largest provider of custom research & analysis. I spend most of my working hours on a computer and come home and spend more time on a computer :goggly: I do enjoy my work and the challenges it brings.

Aside from work, I take care of 3 boys....err, uh..I mean 2 boys and a husband. I spend my free time online, listening to music, reading, watching TV and working out. And of course going to concerts when I can :rock:

Hubby and I are coming in on Wednesday this year and hope to meet more of you guys this year over our 4 days there.
I'm a night shift medical technologist... no social life... when I come home, I mostly surf the internet and watch TV... work out a couple times a week. I'm sort of an amateur nutritionist, and I enjoy sports (when I have someone to play them with, which is very rare these days) and reading.
I stay busy for sure. I'm a branch manager for an international staffing company. I've been with the company 6 1/2 years. It's pointless for me to say that I love music. I'm into spending time with my best friend, my wife. I just can't seem to get her to appreciate my headbangin' music though. :) I like to do yard work, along with various projects around the house. I also like to workout and run. I've been really into running road races this summer. I'm running a 5K this weekend that's sponsored by the Greeneville Astros (Houston's farm team) and another 5K next weekend for a local high school here in Johnson City. Besides that, I'm very active in my local church, which is a United Methodist Church.

Lessee... By day, I'm a lead customer service rep. at a large callsite (one of 25 nationwide) for one of the U.S. Government's largest and most-hated agencies.

In my copious spare time ( :lol: ) I get some other things done. :)

I'm one of the hosts for WREKage (along with dcowboys311 and Mtndewqueen88), one of the nation's longest-running metal radio shows.

I have two Net radio shows, on SeismicRadio.

I'm a director for Dragon*Con, the world's largest multi-genre convention, and in charge of its acoustic stage. I occasionally get tapped for booking or contacting bands for the convention.

I'm an associate sponsor or special patron (or something :) ) for ProgPower USA, the longest-running such sponsor now. I also had a role in procuring the venue for Glenn.

I'm an editor for Immanion Press, a book publisher based in the UK. I'm also good friends with the publisher, author Storm Constantine, from whose books my nickname and avatar pic originate. One of my prouder accomplishments in life -- aside from, say, helping to sponsor Nightwish and Therion -- was getting Storm's books published again in the States.

Many years ago now, I ran the international fan club for British fantasy writer Michael Moorcock. That went away after 6 fun years, but we're still good friends.

During the spring, I work for Starfire Swords at the Georgia Rennaissance Festival. Fun!

I used to write a lot, but have backed off on that. I still read a lot. :D

For fun, I escape here during the summer as much as I can, and right now I'm nicely sunburnt from going up there last week. It's awesome. :kickass:
I work full time for a bank and part-time for a weight loss company. I also volunteer with the Phoenix Symphony and as a mentor with a local women’s organization. I love to travel when finances and vacation time permit…Hawaii is one of my favorite destinations.

I grew up taking piano lessons, but unfortunately let it go for way too long and am trying to get the old repertoire back. My other obsessions besides music are tennis and reading. (At 6 a.m. on July 21st, I was driving from grocery store to grocery store trying to find one that had the new Harry Potter book out.)

Oh the memories - that's where I met Yippee! It is very pretty down there. I still have a girlfriend in Marion. We need to fly down and do lunch with her sometime soon.


Small world. Both my parents grew up in Southern Illinois and graduated from SIU-Carbondale. (I visit West Frankfort every couple of years…unfortunately, mostly to attend funerals…)

I found a job Supporting users at Arizona State University. Anyone who has any oppertunity to work for a College should take it in a second.

Uh, oh, I can see that we are going to have problems, as I went to U of A. (Kidding, kidding…ASU actually has a music therapy masters program that I’ve been looking into. I figure that might be my “semi-retirement” career in 10-15 years or so.)
i have a triple masters in printmaking, photography and graphic design with a double minor in early Christian and Byzantine Art.
I pay my bills by being a graphic/prepress production artist for a printing company.
i also do a heavy metal radio show on WVUA 90.7 fm Tuscaloosa, AL . (www.wvuafm.ua,edu) friday nites 10-4 cst. I've been doing that since 1993. The show has been on since 1982. im honored to keep the torch lit
Might i also add that i touched Traci Lord's ass?