What has Metal not done?

Leiland said:
If someone knew the answer to this thread, they wouldn't be saying it here. They would be starting there own band and becoming the pioneers of the "what has not been done with metal " music

I'm pretty sure some people here aren't musiscians and are just fans of metal. Also, even if someone does have an answer and plays an instrument, the desire to carry it out may be beyond their ability (as it is probably a pretty complex thing) andnot everyone wants to join a band anyway.

I do know what you mean though, if someone who DOES want to be in a band and IS exremely talented, and DOES have the answer to this question...

well they're probably not even on the boards, they're probably writing. :p
it's been done by slipknot but they don't count and it's also been done by a band in my school called Successfully Failing (which they stole from the idea that my band's name is an oxymoron) they used two drummers and they couldn't pull it off but they cover slipknot songs hence they suck BADLY