what is the hardest heaviest, most brutal song you've heard?

:Wreath: said:
Well can't exacly tell which one was TEH heaviest... But the one which comes to my mind now is 'War' by Meshuggah...

I'd probably agree with that, i don't even think it's music to be honest . There's a certain point where it stops being music and just become noise, for me this point is somewhere just after Nile.
Helge-Uwe said:
i'd also go with SYL - oh my fucking god

I second this.

Also Killing on Adrenaline by Dying Fetus, In My Kingdom Cold by Immortal, Crown of Horns by Cryptopsy, and The Burning Pits of The Duat by Nile.
And funny enough when you hear something its noise, whether its a nice noise to your ears or not is up to you, but if you can hear it you can bet its a noise of some sort. I personally like this "unmusical" noise, but I wouldn't listen to Pig Destroyer all day long! I don't think its any less musical than anything else though, or less talented, it takes a lot of effort to get those hideous noises sounding quite that hideous!
You knew what i meant mate.

I find it odd that so many people are putting Emperor songs. Fair enough their heavy in the sense you wouldn't see them at number 1 in the charts, but there's far heavier Black Metal bands than them; Mayhem, Darkthrone etc.

What seperates Emperor from them is the operaticness of it all. Particularly "Anthems".
I have a bunch:

Dark Funeral - Godhate <- brutal atmosphere

Meshuggah - War <- brutal speed

God Among Insects - Chainsawed Christians <- brutal downtuned guitars

Gojira - Remembrance <- brutal grooves

Khanate - Too close enough to touch <- brutal slowness
Risti Kita said:
Khanate - Too close enough to touch <- brutal slowness

Was waiting for someone to mention these like. Actaully the single shittest band I've ever heard.

My mate Micheal saw them supporting Merzbow just a month or so ago. He said it was fucking hilarious, three songs in about 45 minutes holding bass chords for like 10 minutes at at time lol.

Apparently when they finally left not a single person claped. I was considering going to see them in Newcastle just to laugh at them. I did laugh when i first heard "Under Rotting Sky".