what is the hardest heaviest, most brutal song you've heard?

Godhead's Lament said:
Also, to add to my list, anything by Wormed, Devourment, Brodequin and Torsofuck.

Some Suffocation is quite heavy too.

I heard a bit of Wormed a while ago. Horrible but definetlyt heavy. Yea heavy is something that just comes along and assaults your ears as hard as it can then continues to blugeon your barely living corpse into submission with it's unrelenting speed, power and aggresion. Meshuggah or Wormed are good examples.
Thinking about it technically, the heaviest song would be a single track LP that is less than a second long, because music is written onto the LP by scratching in indents, so the shorter the song, the less plastic is scratched off, giving the largest mass. You'd also have to play it on Mercury.

Defeated Sanity - Hideously Disembodied
beat that, bitches
Mumblefood said:
Anaal Nathrakh - Pandemonic Hyperblast is one of them for metal, though the heaviest, most brutal song i've ever heard isn't metal at all.
600 bpm noisecore or something?
Liquid Diamonds said:
And have any of you ever heard 'Defixions: Will And Testament' by Diamanda Galas? Lyrically, it's more brutal than any of our beloved metal bands. And her vocal delivery is just... out there.

Diamanda Galas freaks me out. Blood Mass is terrifying.
any aborted - the saw and the carnage done, blood fixing the bled, meticulous ingavination, nailed through her cunt etc.
Yep, I own 1 of their albums and have heard many others. Brutal, yes. Repetitive and boring, yes.

BTW, I just heard this band called Krisiun lately, and they sound pretty heavy.

I've also just recently listened to Torture killer.

- Fatty
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Yep, I own 1 of their albums and have heard many others. Brutal, yes. Repetitive and boring, yes.

BTW, I just heard this band called Krisiun lately, and they sound pretty heavy.

- Fatty
Hey yeah, I just bought their Bloodshed CD a few days ago, it's pretty good.