What is worst?


  • Biiter cynic

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Ignorant fool

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • bitter fool

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • ignorant cynic

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
A woman made me create this thread! Well that and a bunch of alcohol. More to follow.

(keep it up btw guys, most entertaining read on here in a while)
Oh, and some people calling OLGF cheesy, that annoyed me. If OLG's cheesy anything expressing positive feelings about other people is cheesy. But I later realised them people calling OLG cheesy was on a totally different forum, drunky donkey.

And how them 2 things melted in to one topic I've no idea, the wonders of alcohol.
ikeaboy said:
there are a lot more battered husbands these days ( and i dont mean just physically but mentally also), because.... men are far more dispensabe today

i agree, true,a relationship should be built around honesty and equality, buts its very very rare to find that, its sad i know, one just has to be careful

these arent theories danny, this is now

I agree on the fact that it seems like there are a lot more battered husbands these days. Just recently the first mens shelter was opened in the netherlands. But women beating up their men and abusing them mentally has nothing to do with the men being far more dispensable! Those women have a sick twist in their heads! They deserve treatment in some sort of psychiatric institution, just as the men who beat up their wifes/girlfriends etc. It has to do with frustration, an aggression problem and a problem with power (which they feel they have over their husbands/wifes) but again, it has nothing to do with men being dispensable. that would imply that we women (hypothetically, no generalisation) can now, since we can take care of ourselves and dont need a man for, lets say our financial business, beat up our men and abuse them mentally, for they are dispensable.. weird thinking! normal women just say "its over"

besides, who says that its just nowadays that more men are battered by their wifes/girlfriends? Its just now that you hear of that sort of thing, but I believe its been a concept for ages actually, since you cant stop someone with a sick mind doing the things he or she does, wether its now or decades ago.
yes they are more dispensable, cos they know theres plenty more foolish chappies to take there place, man is the hunter afterall :)
pagan2002 said:
because we are all wankers

seriously danny, it's really interesting to watch your general mood and attitude change in the last two years...the books you read, the topics you bring up, the quotes you make, the music you make, the bands you mention and show respect to...you hve gotten this holy...spiritalistic air about you this time around. quite like the beatles did towards their psychedelic period.

this is really interesting to observe and it's the right, true spirit, mate.
oe said:
I like Maqus more than, I dont like those feminist movements, whats that all about????:yuk:


I like Maqus too :)

Otherwise it's all a unicorn.

Dispatch the unicorn
Dispatch the unicorn
Dispatch the unicorn
And that's what it's all about

breaklose said:
heh? it hasnt changed your views on women? im not buying this mate.
i went through a pretty fuckin nightmarish relationship that had elements in it worse than anyone else i know. that was a thousand and one 'reasons' to change my view about women. and it never.
buy what you like.
oe said:
I was thinking in the metro the other day and I thought, I'm all for female equality in every sense possible...but, I often hear all this feminism rhetorics, all this endless talk about how females should be equal. Then I see that alot of them seem to do the exact opposite of what they preach. Besides the historic development from men totally dominating, to more and more inclusion of women(as a result of War), it seems that the second biggest factor to female inequality besides the self-thought male supremacism is the women themselves! I mean, this is ofcourse not scientific, but...I have come across(relatively to the girls I have met) not that many who really act and hold themselves up to men's equality, they either allow men to rule them, or just simply like the asshole men that mistreat them...it happens so many times, so many...then when you tell them the truth, they go "yeah I know, he's an asshole", and the next week here she goes again following him around.

What's the deal! :confused:

I totally agree with this, this is what does my head in too. If I knew what the deal is, I'd be much happier than I am now. But I'm just getting confused more and more, even though I've been doing gender studies for a while now, it was enough to open my eyes only to certain points but there are hardly any practical solutions given, like how to deal with a) having to be able to solve such problems as fixing the lamp or drilling a hole into the wall as there's no one else to do it for me b) meanwhile staying feminine cause I'm a woman after all. And these are just small things, not life matters.

As for assholes, I haven't had business with any of them, still, the non-assholes say good-bye too. So what's the deal?
battered husbands me arse - the only male/female violence ive ever expereinced in my life is arsehole men on a dick-trip punching the lesser sex around...im sorry but im not having that one ado, im not saying it doesnt happen the other way around but i find it extremely hard to believe they are of equal measures.

but when thought about and you take the personal elements out of it, it's realy a case of arsehole people we're all shitheads at times thats nothing to do with XX or XY.
blackeyed said:
battered husbands me arse - the only male/female violence ive ever expereinced in my life is arsehole men on a dick-trip punching the lesser sex around...im sorry but im not having that one ado, im not saying it doesnt happen the other way around but i find it extremely hard to believe they are of equal measures.
It happens more than you think. Ive seen it with my own eyes a few times, not to mention the twatting I got while I was asleep. That was the first and last time though
Strangelight said:
It happens more than you think. Ive seen it with my own eyes a few times, not to mention the twatting I got while I was asleep. That was the first and last time though

i guess so, its just hard to see the other side of things when you're so used to seeing the same thing.

this forum has turned into a right fucking hotbed of social issues hasnt it...by the jaysus i think i'll stick to posting thread about iced tea on antimatter
see the thing is, what one sees outside is just - bruises etc etc, shock horror, these will heal, but what one doesnt see is whats inside - mental disturbance etc, and takes longer to heal if ever. women are just better at it and hiding it, alas times are changing.
blackeyed said:
ref to the she who speaketh the truth quote a few posts up :D

its about PEOPLE - people can be cruel fucks
Aye, but this is about something that gets brushed under the carpet for loads of reasons. If I would have seen a bloke twatting his bird then I obviously would jump in and do something. But the other way around I didnt have a clue what to do. I saw a girl kick me mates teeth out while he was half asleep on the couch. If that had been a bloke to a girl, then he would be the eternal steakknife.