What languages do you speak already and which would you like to learn? (and why?)

I'm a native English speaker with a little Spanish and Japanese experience... I have to say Swedish is a lot easier to pick up than Japanese since there is at least *some* (ok, a lot) resemblance to English. Japanese isn't that hard to speak but forget about trying to read/write Kanji, you pretty much have to learn it as a child to be any good with that.
Speaking: Danish (with a small norweigen twist that is really bad !) and i understand Swedish and Norweigen if it dont go to fast, speak english kinda fluent, my spelling is another case (wordblind), and I understand a okei lot of German and speak abit too

want to learn Icelandic and Old Norse ... I have to actuelly as selfstudy but have no clue where to start lol , will be hard ...
Salira said:
want to learn Icelandic and Old Norse ... I have to actuelly as selfstudy but have no clue where to start lol , will be hard ...

Old Norse for Beginners

I'm currently using this site, there's a decent amount of stuff on it, it's in English though. I haven't been able to find many useful websites on learning moedern Icelandic (unless Old Icelandic is as close to Icelandic as people say it is), the best one is in English and it gets pretty technical, you might have more trouble with it than the Old Norse page, but I can give you the link if you want it.
Frostheim said:
Other bands let's say Spanxti, Peorth, Skyforger, Wejdas, Hate Forest, Branikald, Girnu Giesmes, Old Wainds, Nav, Nitberg, Forest, Wojnar, Ohtar, Abusiveness, Veja Chmar, Knell, Reusmarkt, Stanica, Piorun, Slovisha, Oyhra, Natural Spirit, Mertvye Velda, Kruk, Rundagor, Kataxu, Guszczar, Dissimulation, Golfaron, Angis... That sort of bands in example.

It's gonna take me a year to find songs of all these, but thanks. I'm already broke because I just sent money to Lithuania for the kulgrinda and zalvarinis cds. And do you have any idea when the new metsatöll is coming out? Hundi Loomine sounds like a huge step forward.
I can speak English quite well. haha I can survive on Greek and French no problem and survive BARELY on German and Polish. I'm currently studying Russian. Big change for me..I love it though. Such a badass language. :)

I would love to learn Swedish though..who wants to teach me?!
kovotojas said:
It's gonna take me a year to find songs of all these, but thanks.

Hehe, I'm pretty sure that You can't find songs in the net from most of the bands I mentioned earlier, for most of their albums are available only as cassettes and are not easy to be found in usual. But, good luck! :)

kovotojas said:
And do you have any idea when the new metsatöll is coming out? Hundi Loomine sounds like a huge step forward.

When I talked with Varulven last time when they were here in Finland, he said to me that they haven't got money for going to studio at the moment, but we'll see. Hope they succeed in bringing the album out some day. Their gig in Tavastia in Helsinki was absolutely great; traditional folk elements are involved nowadays even more, and they've got ie. bagpipes, kantele, recorder, mouth harp etc. in their new songs. Extremely good stuff! :hotjump:
Of course I speak German.. I've been learning English at school for 9 years and Russian for 7 years. I learn myself Japanese.... works slowly but it does... -.-

I'd like to speak Icelandic (I love northern languages), maybe Swedish (many songs to translate *s*) or Norwegian... Korean, Mongolian... Hebrew...

I also like different scripts.. alphabets. So I know ours, Nordic Runes (Futhark), Elven Runes, Cyrillic letters, Japanese Kana & some Kanji. I'd like to write Korean syllables, Hebrew letters.. maybe Arabic...

But I dislike Romanic languages like French, Spanish or Italian... I guess it wouldn't be much difficult, but it's not my taste somehow |=/
I speak German and English and i learned latin for 5 years but now I'm done! :)
Next year i am going to learn Spanish at school.

I'd like to learn some nordic languages like Faroeic (!!!) or Danish (because it's the most easiest one for Germans :p)
Ever heard about Uthark? (instead of Futhark) - I'm mostly into that, even though I also learned some Tolkkien runes and the old german way of writing (dunno have a proper name for that...).
I also like different scripts.. alphabets. So I know ours, Nordic Runes (Futhark), Elven Runes, Cyrillic letters, Japanese Kana & some Kanji. I'd like to write Korean syllables, Hebrew letters.. maybe Arabic...

I'm in the process of learning Futhark right now, and I know some of the Tengwar, which is another Elvish script. I also made up my own alphabet today, one form for engravings and another for everyday writing :D

But I dislike Romanic languages like French, Spanish or Italian... I guess it wouldn't be much difficult, but it's not my taste somehow |=/

I'm not a big fan of Romance languages either, but Romanian is pretty cool.
Sure, that style used in Bibles, fairy tale books and on pub labels. It's not sütterlin at all.
Sütterlin is this one:

and that other writing style looks like this:


which is not Sütterlin for my eyes ;)
Surly not, but for the second one you dont have to learn anything new, thats the point. :cool:
So its gotta be the first one, but maybe the ONE we are talking about will tell us finally :Spin: