What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

Stripflash, Sociopaths are aloof and don't care about attention. I think you're referring to a combination of ADHD and compulsive lying? Sociopaths are liars, antisocial, they have a charming personality, however they have no desire to talk to people or indulge in conversation- whereas Joe does.
And, that Heartless guy sure is an attention whore, if he can't get attention by being nice, he will start flaming, attention is the most important thing for him. When he grows up, gets a job, he will be pushing everyone around if he don't get his daily shot of attention, in medical terms it's called sociopathy... it's a personality disorder.

IMO he's not that bad.
Because anything that Manson says is usually clung onto by "Outsiders". He probably started the rumour himself to take the piss and succeeded because people actually believed it.
There are so many rumours about him that many believe...I can't remember any of them though.
I could prove it.. If I have an incredibly obscure humour, I want most people to burn alive and I'd laugh, I hate my family, I am seriously considering a killing spree, I have wrote short stories about how I will eradicate my victims. When I was 18 months, I made my first killing attempt by putting a pillow over my new born sisters face, yet I have been told by my mother the cackling I made startled her to find me suffocating her:D I compare myself to fictional characters, I am aloof and pensive and have very low sexual desire, I am misanthropic, I am obsessed with discovering what category my mental personality resides in, i.e. sociopath, bipolar, ADD, etc. I am somewhat emotionally retarded, and as you can see when people call me normal I tend to try and prove them wrong.
Because anything that Manson says is usually clung onto by "Outsiders". He probably started the rumour himself to take the piss and succeeded because people actually believed it.

There are so many rumours about him that many believe...I can't remember any of them though.

well there was one about him having removed his own eye with a spoon...

I could prove it.. If I have an incredibly obscure humour, I want most people to burn alive and I'd laugh, I hate my family, I am seriously considering a killing spree, I have wrote short stories about how I will eradicate my victims. When I was 18 months, I made my first killing attempt by putting a pillow over my new born sisters face, yet I have been told by my mother the cackling I made startled her to find me suffocating her:D I compare myself to fictional characters, I am aloof and pensive and have very low sexual desire, I am misanthropic, I am obsessed with discovering what category my mental personality resides in, i.e. sociopath, bipolar, ADD, etc. I am somewhat emotionally retarded, and as you can see when people call me normal I tend to try and prove them wrong.

:lol: for some reason I don't think you're scary
No, it would be instant and you'd be decapitated, and then your torso bathed in moderately high PH acid, so your corpse would slowly melt. I would then dismember the remains with my axe, carve out your eyes and tread on them- manically laughing.
No, it would be instant and you'd be decapitated, and then your torso bathed in moderately high PH acid, so your corpse would slowly melt. I would then dismember the remains with my axe, carve out your eyes and tread on them- manically laughing.
sounds awesome. Can you write "Followed The Reaper" on my grave and bury me at Lake Bodom ?.. or just kill me there ??? or get Alexi to rape me before you kill me ??? I want a bodom-related death :lol: