What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

Sorry Mr Deron but even though I am trying to stay neutral on the whole bitchbutcher/troll thing....The posts she/he/it makes are just offensive and immature most of the time.
ok, what is your problem? whining.... :erk:

In your country they also had institutions called concentration camps... if only your mother had sent you there instead. I mean I'm sure she wanted to but she was 60 years too late so she was not afforded the opportunity. :lol:

i d never wrote distasteful stuff like that. but i get many death threats so what? its not that i care about it and go to Deron to whine about it.

Goddammit if you cant take insults dont f*** insult.
:lol: I make one negetive comment and you say it's whining. Jesus....Grow up.
no its not a negative comment, dear mr. deron bitchbutcher is a troll is whining.

Did I say that? No. I said your posts were offensive and immature.

If you really were a "Bitch Butcher" then you would have killed yourself by now.
After reading the personal and frankly childlike comments bitchbutcher has made...It's not that bad in comparison.
we all said childlike comments here, i don't deny she said some dumb stuff too, but so did you and so did i and most of the peeps here and considering it's about concentration camps i don't think anything said here can or will be worse than that...
I don't think you should use that can stuff....use anything but not this or discriminating things
get your head out of Derons ass please :lol:

btw. how can you yell through emails? :erk:
I bet your pussy is just as scary looking as the one in your avatar. And it prolly takes two hands too.
but i get many death threats so what?
I bet most of them are from your husband.
:lol: I make one negetive comment and you say it's whining. Jesus....Grow up.
i seriously consider that a fucking low blow

It's called a joke :lol:
Well, sorry, but I've heard MUCH worse here, from Bitchbutcher as well. Jokes are jokes sad to say. George Carlin proves anything can be funny! Sorry if you took offense.
well i haven't heard much worse here i haven't been around alot anymore...but i consider concetration camps one of the worst things ever in human history
i consider concetration camps one of the worst things ever in human history
I'd say the Spanish Inquistion, which was one of the original offsprings of genocide, inspired the holocaust. Innocent people died, which isn't fair. If the jews did something wrong fair enough, but if you cannot justify it then don't do it
I'd say the Spanish Inquistion, which was one of the original offsprings of genocide, inspired the holocaust. Innocent people died, which isn't fair. If the jews did something wrong fair enough, but if you cannot justify it then don't do it

lol human suffering...

but seriously, they're too much shit in history to pick like the worst and besides stuff like that continues now even today (Darfur)... so who knows. But if I had to choose a few I'd say Rwanda genocide, atomic bombs on Japan (dropped on civilian not military targets) and um... ionna... The shit Vlad the Impaler did.