What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

Consentration camps should really be taken seriously. Millsions of people died in them including my great grandfather. Fell out of the gardtower and broke his neck in 1943 RIP.
:lol: Dracula:p Well tbh it all embodies the same cause, so it's all one big thing rather than categorized. Why the fuck should we consider rwanda genocide different to jews? They're all humans. I can somewhat see the funny side, but rwanda is the most depressing, african crime and murder are quite sad, it really does make us feel how lucky we can be, so I celebrate by laughing
i never said specifically the jews in the consentration camps. I said i think it's ONE of the worst things in human history...there's been so much awefull going on....
Why the fuck should we consider rwanda genocide different to jews?

Nobody does.

i never said specifically the jews in the consentration camps. I said i think it's ONE of the worst things in human history...there's been so much awefull going on....

I think you might mean Death Camps, Concentration camps don't always mean massive killing. America and Canada had Japanese concentration camps after Peral Harbour, but we didn't kill them off.

Its a joke, no one really thinks death camps were a good thing, except nazis who dont count as people. Making fun of Germany for letting such things happen is a way for people to remember what happend.
Consentration camps should really be taken seriously. Millsions of people died in them including my great grandfather. Fell out of the gardtower and broke his neck in 1943 RIP.



still funny though :p
Nobody does.

I think you might mean Death Camps, Concentration camps don't always mean massive killing. America and Canada had Japanese concentration camps after Peral Harbour, but we didn't kill them off.

Its a joke, no one really thinks death camps were a good thing, except nazis who dont count as people. Making fun of Germany for letting such things happen is a way for people to remember what happend.

i kinda meant the ones in germany and they were all death camps
I think you might mean Death Camps, Concentration camps don't always mean massive killing. America and Canada had Japanese concentration camps after Peral Harbour, but we didn't kill them off.

Actually they were internment camps, different concepts. But yeh, concentration camps didnt always mean death, I mean they were made to labour, and msot died from not being fed or taken care of. Although most women and children were generally killed upon arrival, men were put on one train, and women/kids on another and yeh, it's sad.

How the fuck did we get on this subject?? :lol:
:lol: This joke is more deep than funny:

Hitler visits a lunatic asylum. The patients give the Hitler salute. As he passes down the line he comes across a man who isn't saluting.
"Why aren't you saluting like the others?" Hitler barks.
"Mein Führer, I'm the nurse," he says. "I'm not crazy!"
so tell me heartless name aka clown of the forum. why is it so bad from a "certain person" to offend your gf for being a foreigner but its not bad to make jokes about concentration camps?? you re a walking contradiction, the cause of it is stupidity.

again IF YOU CANT TAKE INSULTS DONT INSULT. i dont care how many internet boys and girls will make lame jokes about my husband, mother or myself. if they would at least be smart i d give it credit... but why do you have to write Deron and cry about it. you re simply a coward...a little boy who thinks he s something cus he attempts bad insults on the web... :erk:
again IF YOU CANT TAKE INSULTS DONT INSULT. i dont care how many internet boys and girls will make lame jokes about my husband, mother or myself. if they would at least be smart i d give it credit... but why do you have to write Deron and cry about it. you re simply a coward...a little boy who thinks he s something cus he attempts bad insults on the web... :erk:

:lol: Wtf are you talking about? I can take a joke, and I don't really give a shit about what you or anyone says about me really. Oh, and I forgot...

lol troll
:lol: Wtf are you talking about? I can take a joke, and I don't really give a shit about what you or anyone says about me really. Oh, and I forgot..
are u seriously that dumb? im talking about the actual subject. you ask why this forum got boring? maybe you should ask yourself why? because ppl like u go and cry to deron about things when they insult just as bad. and wernt you the moralistic one when i had an avatar of the famous pic? you re full of double morals. your poor gf... no wait she deserves it since she s a foreigner (sorry im german, what did you expect?)