What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

I agree with everything.

You do? So you agree with that site which claims:

The King looks like an anal-copulator, & his grinning kids look slutty & gay!
You are drippings from the Devil's own penis - a veritable sperm bank for Satan's queers.
Sweden: a land of sodomy, bestiality & incest
Swedish kids are taught it's OK to be gay and incestuous.

:zombie: :zombie: :zombie:
Haha :lol: i just love that site, but i was mostly agreing on the url and that you said you were "stupied"
:lol: Yeh I got that :p

Thank god you came and "ungay'd" it then :rolleyes:
inhe for the pwn :lol: on a roll! :p
:cry: God could never hate Japan!
there is no god :erk:
I can see why you would say that...

But no one knows for sure.
Stop pointing around with your athiestic views! We're taking the piss here, we didn't wish for any religious arguement to sneak in
:lol: This is the internets! EVERYTHING is an argument!
:lol: This is the internets! EVERYTHING is an argument!

you re stupid. :rolleyes: how many times ppl tell you that? if you would ve be a little bit intelligent you would know that im not Ruins...just because you made double accounts and spy on this place 24/7, doesnt mean others do. seriously, how do you have so much time to waste? u re unemployed? dont you have your fugly gf to do something with?
dont quote me...
you re stupid. :rolleyes: how many times ppl tell you that? if you would ve be a little bit intelligent you would know that im not Ruins...just because you made double accounts and spy on this place 24/7, doesnt mean others do. seriously, how do you have so much time to waste? u re unemployed? dont you have your fugly gf to do something with?

:lol: You are so jealous of me it's sad :erk:
no i am jealous!! he s right! i want to know how it feels too be so damn ugly for just one day and spend my whole day infront of the computer. i wish i had so much time...