What the fuck happened to this forum since I left...

I was kidding
I wasn't. We need a porno flick:Smug:
Söy;5948667 said:
buy a chocolate bar and maybe he'll let you in to the candy factory.
The ultimate paedophile reference:lol:
I'm afraid this forum is dead or dying. Deron killed it with the new rules. No trolling/ocassional flaming = no fun.
I made no contribution to pictures of obscure related agenda! I was cautious, and the furthest I got was sending a picture of a decapitated arab gangster PMed to Marcio:p
i wont leave, soon a new wave of cob fanboys will come xD
The gay phase #2:)
congrats on 500 posts of pure, unadulterated douchebaggery and cuntastic flaming. You are a top notch downy. :kickass:

fucking assclown

Don't be a hypocrit.

Also, at the both of you...

Don't be a hypocrit.]

Hey, I'm all for flaming. It's a fun part of the board if done correctly. But her bullshit is like "You're all stupid and shallow, I'm here to teach you all about how looks are deceiving on the internet and I think I'm so superior and my husband gave me herpes... erm... I mean you're all stupid!!"