What type of metal do you consider COB?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I consider them to be melodic death metal, yet more and more often I see people call them all kinds of different things including black metal.

What is your opinion on this?
Hmmm... I've heard the term used on both CoB and Vintersorg, but I disagree. Melodic death metal is more in the vein of In Flames, Dark Tranquility, etc.

I usually call CoB power/speed metal with black vox.
Yes but I am new to the forum and had no idea that it came up before. So why not simply respond to my question instead of telling me to check the older threads?

Black metal vox? That's interesting.
no, In Flames and DT arent melodic death metal. Not anymore anyway. I consider Soilwork melodic death, or The Forsaken, Old Sentenced, the new Crown album sounds like melodic death.

As for the topic, I consider CoB melodic death metal with numerous influences, black metal influences (Vox), power metal (keyboards, melodies). Its arguable of course. Just my 2 cents :D
I think INEARTED did Melodic Death Metal. But nowdays COB is a mix of some styles. The Drums are Power Speed Metal, for example. Black voice, etc. But I consider that COB's style is "Children of Bodom style" ;)
Don't call it power metal! I love COB but I find power metal boring to the bone, so you can't call it power metal.
I find this a complete unnecessary discussion because everybody has it's own mind...
Originally posted by loWildChild
I think INEARTED did Melodic Death Metal. But nowdays COB is a mix of some styles. The Drums are Power Speed Metal, for example. Black voice, etc. But I consider that COB's style is "Children of Bodom style" ;)

Extreeeeeeeeeeemely good answer hehe.

@Dead well I like posting on this board when theres something interesting to post about, if it sparks conversation, good, dont post on the thread if you dont wanna hear what people think.
Although I know in many interviews Alexi deemed it to be "Heavy Metal"(This can also be logically taken from his likes and/or tastes in certain bands that we'd classify under "Heavy Metal"), I would have to deem CoB to be Black Metal with a very high energetic influence. They seem to show the gloom but focus more on the rage from that gloom. Possibly to what Final Vision said with "power metal" influences. They do seem to have a very demonic quality about them though......although not necessarily Satanic as what Black Metal was originally played out for(That's changed now). Yes they can be considered "Heavy Metal" but I'd have to say that my opinion in this is that their correct category, however unique they may be for this category, is Black Metal(also by the keyboards and melodic instruments which are seldom found in many of the past "Heavy Metal" bands). Another backup for this is I think CoB kicks serious ass. And I like Heavy Metal, but I live for Black Metal. Anything that kicks ass to me, must be in my top agenda. Their strive for excellence on the right keys and tones is a dead giveaway for something many can consider a "masterpiece". Every "masterpiece" that I've deemed as so, has been under Black Metal. They've just got the right tones for it.
Well, i'm totally new on this board but i always love to jump in on such discusions as these.
Back in my younger days it was so much simpler, you had Hard-Rock and Heavy Metal back in the 80's but eventhen they had to make that diversion...
Sure nowadays you gotta make a difference between all those styles, but i like to keep it easier and just call them all Metal.
Then again, My favourite band "Nightwish" is hard to describe just being Metal...
COB, Well i enjoy their music a lot, though im not into black metal, nor death, so its obvious i dont really approve their singer, hard to cut him out though since he plays a really mean guitar and does most of the writing if im right.
So i wouldnt call them Black metal, even Melodic death or whatever you wanna call them is underestimated. If their singer would stop screaming and start singing (which i'm sure he can) they would reach high stars, much of you here wont agree and in a way, you're right, the vocals fit the music...to put it in Anvils words; IF ITS TOO LOUD THEN YOU'RE TOO OLD, GET THE HELL RIGHT OUT CAUSE YOU'VE BEEN TOLD!!!!!:D
Originally posted by humus666
Don't call it power metal! I love COB but I find power metal boring to the bone, so you can't call it power metal.

Since you don't find CoB boring, you don't find all power metal boring.

I find this a complete unnecessary discussion because everybody has it's own mind...

Sure, but there's an (near in some cases) absolute truth also.
Originally posted by Storm
Although I know in many interviews Alexi deemed it to be "Heavy Metal"(This can also be logically taken from his likes and/or tastes in certain bands that we'd classify under "Heavy Metal"), I would have to deem CoB to be Black Metal with a very high energetic influence. They seem to show the gloom but focus more on the rage from that gloom. Possibly to what Final Vision said with "power metal" influences. They do seem to have a very demonic quality about them though......although not necessarily Satanic as what Black Metal was originally played out for(That's changed now). Yes they can be considered "Heavy Metal" but I'd have to say that my opinion in this is that their correct category, however unique they may be for this category, is Black Metal(also by the keyboards and melodic instruments which are seldom found in many of the past "Heavy Metal" bands). Another backup for this is I think CoB kicks serious ass. And I like Heavy Metal, but I live for Black Metal. Anything that kicks ass to me, must be in my top agenda. Their strive for excellence on the right keys and tones is a dead giveaway for something many can consider a "masterpiece". Every "masterpiece" that I've deemed as so, has been under Black Metal. They've just got the right tones for it.

haha. whatever dude...

they are far from black metal...Rage? Gloom? right...how about happy melodies and uplifting songwriting...that's not very black metal, but that is what COB do. they are closer to power metal than anything. listen to nocturnal rites, or judas priest's painkiller, running wild, whatever, and then listen to COB. Then listen to Darkthrone or emperor and then listen to COB.
I think it's pop'n roll with hairmetal and country rock influence.

Yes, joking of course. :D The statement above just shows how interested I am of what people say COB is. Wihout a doubt Bodom is one of those bands people often have hard times to put into some genre. I consider that a good thing.
Originally posted by MacMoney

Since you don't find CoB boring, you don't find all power metal boring.

That is if considering Children of bodom power metal. I have few CD's in my collection that I would call power metal, 2 from Iced earth, 2 from Hammerfall, 1 from Rhapsody, all copied offcourse. I never listened more than one time to these records, maybe Rhapsody 2. The music just is...too soft I guess. I don't think COB is soft, just heavinly :D