What type of metal do you consider COB?

Originally posted by humus666

That is if considering Children of bodom power metal. I have few CD's in my collection that I would call power metal, 2 from Iced earth, 2 from Hammerfall, 1 from Rhapsody, all copied offcourse. I never listened more than one time to these records, maybe Rhapsody 2. The music just is...too soft I guess. I don't think COB is soft, just heavinly :D
COB is easily more power metal than Iced Earth. I guess you should give those IE albums a second chance.
Hi people!I`m another CoB fan(from Brasil).So ,i gonna talk about the thread now.Cob is not Black Metal!I Hate when people say that ,i already fight with a guy that say CoB is Black Metal!Is not ,maybe is not Death Melodic totaly ,but still is a little!Is a mix of metal of all kinds ,and thats sounds gr8!Man ,Cob rlz!!!
Originally posted by The Wanderer

haha. whatever dude...

they are far from black metal...Rage? Gloom? right...how about happy melodies and uplifting songwriting...that's not very black metal, but that is what COB do. they are closer to power metal than anything. listen to nocturnal rites, or judas priest's painkiller, running wild, whatever, and then listen to COB. Then listen to Darkthrone or emperor and then listen to COB.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever the fuck you're smokin.......pass it around. Happy melodies and uplifting songwriting? What the fuck? LoL what fuckin CoB song has "happy" melodies? And the uplifting nature in them seems more like rage(The kind of "uplifting" you get when you're pissed at someone and are about to rip him a new one). Very energetic. I wouldn't consider them TRADITIONAL Black Metal. I know emp and DT are much more aimed at something just like DB..........traditional and TRUE Black Metal almost always seems to have a purpose rather than just for the music alone......True BM bands are what I'm normally accustomed to and prefer. CoB seems to be for the music alone and not much else. But however they have too many Black Metal qualities to put them under power metal(not to mention they've got talent in my opinion. Something I don't see often in anything other than BM. Since the qualities seem to outweigh the characteristics though......I personally considered them Black Metal as I said before. Although to be in all honesty in putting them in their place; that is, If I had to classify them in a category for others to consider it would have to be a stand alone category. Under Children of Bodom. I've seen nothing quite like them. Otherwise I'd probably stick them under Power Metal if the situation was different.
Always when i post something in a new thread i read everyone´s opinion before posting except in this one.... everyones has a different point of view and i now i´m right about this :)
CoB play MELODIC DEATH METAL with black (keyboards in SW f.e), power (Drums in some songs)and heavy metal elements (hatebreeder guitars).
It is not black metal because it hasn´t got its "density" and the guitars are more elaborated as with the drums. Power metal is very monotone (specially the double bass drum in every song) and every Cob song is very different from another. And heavy metal..... i don´t think that Cob sounds like Black SAbbath, ozzy or mid period MetallicA. ALthaugh i think they refer themselves as Heavy metal only because nowadays it is used to "congregate" (juntar pero no se me ocurre otra palabra en ingles) the metal type that is heavy to make a difference between the Linkin park shit (all that nu and aggro metal garbage) and the real music.
Well if he thinks that it's monotome(me too actuallly), than just let it be, I don't know, but power metal, I never liked it and never will. Boring as hell.
but im going to put in my 2 cents anyways. why? BECAUSE I CAN!!

-i dont concider CoB to be power metal, as said its rather bland (its just not as involved as other styles of music.)
-Not thrash or speed, because that would involve more with the rhythm guitar and fast power chords jumping all over the fretboard. The actual "rhythm" of the rhythm guitar lines would also be standard, with a generic beat to it.
-Heavy metal is too generic of a term which is widely misused to label shit bands.
-I wouldnt call it deathmetal, because that would be more focused around non-melodic old slayer style guitar soloing with boring rhythm guitar lines, deeper vocals, and the lyrics (usually) to be more of a slightly morbid subject
-To me black metal is the best way to sum them up. Their music is highly melodic, switching between major and minor chords, and just an overall complexity of the music's makeup. the lyrics are very dark (hence 'black') but very well written. plus keyboards play a major part of black metal (keyboards? what keyboards?)

Melodic death metal? In Flames yea, i can see that. But not Bodom. They're music involves alot more......originality? creativity? imagination?
-I find this a complete unnecessary discussion because everybody has it's own mind...

-Sure, but there's an (near in some cases) absolute truth also.

no absolute truth. Take the issue of abortion. Its going to be debated forever because it is all based on opinions. for every argument, there is a counter-argument.
I saw Maiden a few years back and Bruce was on stage bitching about how everything is labeled as black metal or death metal or whatever. Then he was like, "It's all heavy fucking metal!" and then they ripped into The Trooper! Awesome!

Take bands like Virgin Steele, early Fates Warning, Blind Guardian, old Helloween etc. These aren't bland, or if they sound that to you, there's something wrong with your ears. You don't have to like them but they aren't bland. If you call power metal bland, you're as stupid and ignorant as a pop fan saying that CoB only bang their instruments in a random manner.

CoB is based on guitar leads with very straightforward song structures and quite simple riffs, all three point to the fact that they're (euro) power metal. Perhaps more aggressive than others of their kind but still power metal.

Black metal they most certainly aren't. Black metal isn't melodic, and at it's purest black metal isn't complex, just take a look at Darkthrone, IMO the best black metal band, or the forefathers of black metal Venom, Bathory and early Sodom. And keyboards don't belong to black metal as a lead instrument.

You're talking about opinions on abortion, not opinions about WHAT abortion is.
'opinons' and 'what it is'? wasnt this threat started over what do you consider bodom to be? that would be an opinion question. Who are we to decide what kind of music they are. they call themselves heavy metal, then they are heavy metal. so be it. For every catagory of music there are exceptions to the rules that govern them hence there will never be a solid system for describeing music by nothing but the 'catagory' you have chosen.. That is unless it involves fred durst.....

because then it's just known as shit.
Originally posted by MacMoney
Take bands like Virgin Steele, early Fates Warning, Blind Guardian, old Helloween etc. These aren't bland, or if they sound that to you, there's something wrong with your ears. You don't have to like them but they aren't bland. If you call power metal bland, you're as stupid and ignorant as a pop fan saying that CoB only bang their instruments in a random manner.

CoB is based on guitar leads with very straightforward song structures and quite simple riffs, all three point to the fact that they're (euro) power metal. Perhaps more aggressive than others of their kind but still power metal.

Black metal they most certainly aren't. Black metal isn't melodic, and at it's purest black metal isn't complex, just take a look at Darkthrone, IMO the best black metal band, or the forefathers of black metal Venom, Bathory and early Sodom. And keyboards don't belong to black metal as a lead instrument.

You're talking about opinions on abortion, not opinions about WHAT abortion is.

a) I don't understand the word bland (english is not my motherlanguage) but fuck you, I just don't like power metal so I don't want to call COB power metal!
b) Black metal in it's purest form is cold, grim and simplistic, but black metal is evolutioned to a more openminded musicstyle, offcourse you still have the socalled true black metal bands that still play cold and grim, and they should continue doing that, but it's good you have some sort of 'other' black metal.
c) Pointless discussion
Originally posted by humus666

a) I don't understand the word bland (english is not my motherlanguage) but fuck you, I just don't like power metal so I don't want to call COB power metal!
b) Black metal in it's purest form is cold, grim and simplistic, but black metal is evolutioned to a more openminded musicstyle, offcourse you still have the socalled true black metal bands that still play cold and grim, and they should continue doing that, but it's good you have some sort of 'other' black metal.
c) Pointless discussion

a) Well, too bad since they are power metal.

b) Black metal is all about the cold and grim atmosphere. If that's missing, it isn't black metal.

c) Then why bother to answer if it's pointless?


Sure the genre limits aren't very strict and yeah, CoB have other elements besides power metal, but mainly they are power metal.