Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?

Originally posted by Dreamlord
So basically what you're saying is that Cannibal Corpse are in it for the shock value to cause publicity. Making them no better than Marilyn manson.

No, if I'd meant that, I would have said it. Chris Barnes used to play it up for all the publicity he could get. He's gone now, and the band have progressed out of sight musically.
Never did see how changing your clothes makes you a poser. Maybe you dressed "preppy" and one of your "metalhead" friends had you listen to Iced Earth, so you go buy an album and their horror show T-Shirt. You decide that shirt goes good with some old, worn out blue jeans you had and so the day you wear that your "prep" friends look at you weird and the "metalheads" laugh at you and call you a poser.

Yeah, teenagers can be idiots. ;)

(This wasn't from personal experience, just making up a scenario that could easily happen in my school)
Originally posted by Draxx
Never did see how changing your clothes makes you a poser. Maybe you dressed "preppy" and one of your "metalhead" friends had you listen to Iced Earth, so you go buy an album and their horror show T-Shirt. You decide that shirt goes good with some old, worn out blue jeans you had and so the day you wear that your "prep" friends look at you weird and the "metalheads" laugh at you and call you a poser.

Yeah, teenagers can be idiots. ;)

(This wasn't from personal experience, just making up a scenario that could easily happen in my school)

I never understood what clothes were....
Originally posted by Dreamlord
So basically what you're saying is that Cannibal Corpse are in it for the shock value to cause publicity. Making them no better than Marilyn manson.
I don't think he did, but I'll say it. Cannibal Corpse did what they did in the beginning for shock value. I've read interviews with them that said this, they wanted to see how far they could go and how much they could piss people off.

Does anybody out there think that they are psychotic murderers whose lyrics about dismemberment come from the depths of their soul? I may be ignorant of this if it is true, but I really doubt it.
Originally posted by manuelgv
"you became preppy"(this came from a guy who didn't even like metal and thought the best band ever was Korn but he started hanging out with metalheads and thought he was "evil" and when I stopped liking black metal he said that to me,of course I punched him and humilliated him)

I've had a couple of similar expirences. There is no real metal "crowd" at my school, just a few kids who have similar tastes in music, and get together to play D&D once in a while :D anyways... I was walking home with a friend of mine, who like you said, loves KoRn and considers them to be God's gift to music, and I had no problem with it. He was a nice kid, wore black a little too much because he thought it made him br00tal, but whatever... I told him that I had managed to get a date with a girl who is into all this punk rock, and on is on the drill team, that kinda thing.

The first words that came out of his mouth were. "Oh my God, you fucking prep, she listens to "preppy" music, and you're going to go out with her?":rolleyes:

Sigh... episodes like that really irritate me.
Originally posted by Vim Fuego
You is full of shit, Hank Hill. As much as it hurts a tr00 fan like you to admit it, Cannibal Corpse has done more than any other band to bring brutal death metal to the masses. Mortician pre-date them, and Suffocation got dumped by their label. It all got done before, done bigger and done better.

Sorry, I don't find cannibal Corpse to be all that brutal with their pedestrian drumming.... Culross' work with Suffocation far exceeds all of the Corpse's work. And Immolation's drummer walks mile long circles around them. And Mortician use a fucking drum machine...

I'm sure Suffocation were glad to leave Roadrunner.. would you wanna be on that ghost of a label? They cleaned out all of their death metal bands, which were the bread and butter, to cash in on the nu metal trend.

Oh, yeah.. Poser. :lol:
Originally posted by Nightmarez
I've had a couple of similar expirences. There is no real metal "crowd" at my school, just a few kids who have similar tastes in music, and get together to play D&D once in a while :D anyways... I was walking home with a friend of mine, who like you said, loves KoRn and considers them to be God's gift to music, and I had no problem with it. He was a nice kid, wore black a little too much because he thought it made him br00tal, but whatever... I told him that I had managed to get a date with a girl who is into all this punk rock, and on is on the drill team, that kinda thing.

The first words that came out of his mouth were. "Oh my God, you fucking prep, she listens to "preppy" music, and you're going to go out with her?":rolleyes:

Sigh... episodes like that really irritate me.

Nothing wrong with going out with that girl. Judge the person on her, not her musical tastes. Let your friend be an ignorant, br00tal "metalhead." :spin:
Originally posted by Papa Josh
And that makes them good? Who gives two shits about the mainstream media? Apparently you do... poser. :grin:

What's that up there? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the point of the argument going waaay over Papa Josh's head! Oh look, and it's coming back again! He's missed it twice!

First, I wasn't debating how good or brutal Cannibal Corpse are or aren't. I was using them as an example of bands who have done particular things better than Suffocation, which you chose to ignore.

Second, getting notice in the mainstream media doesn't make you good. It does, however, make you noticed...:rolleyes: And I know what's going on in the mainstream media because I work in it.

I gave Suffocation a listen this morning to see if I was missing anything. It was like I'd remembered- nothing special.
From Blabbermouth.net:

"AUDIOSLAVE's TOM MORELLO: The World Will Be Much Less Safe If We Attack Iraq - Jan. 22, 2003

AUDIOSLAVE guitarist Tom Morello says that he is against the Iraqi war not only for the safety of that country's citizens, but also for the safety of people in America.

"The one way to assure that we will not be safe from terrorism is to try to economically and politically dominate countries in the Middle East," he said. "If you want a dangerous world, that's what you should do (laughs). The actions that are being contemplated now by our administration only confirm that — in the eyes of moderates around the region. I think it will be much less safe by continuing down that path."

And my response:
"The world WILL be a dangerous place? Wake the fuck up you asinine, holier-than-thou shit-for-brains guitarist (and I use the term "guitarist" loosely). The world IS a dangerous place, and has been since long before you were born. I can't for the life of me understand how you feel you're qualified to comment on world events, so maybe you should just shut the fuck up and go back to sucking the major label cock like you've become so good at."

Take your pick at which part is ignorant. ;)
You don't NEED qualifications, but your opinion doesn't mean shit if there's nothing behind it. And Morello is just another left-wing fucker who thinks his position in the music biz qualifies him to say something. It doesn't.
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Papa Josh = Troll.

Ignore button = Good.


Well, I've had my fun here.

Vim Fuego: "First, I wasn't debating how good or brutal Cannibal Corpse are or aren't. I was using them as an example of bands who have done particular things better than Suffocation, which you chose to ignore."

So, CC has done better things than Suffocation? YOU ARE A POSER!!! P-O-S-E-R.

Oh, you work for the evil mainstream media? Oh my, let me get on my knees and kiss your fucking feet! Please metal is about the underground, it should remain underground so that posers like yourself don't taint the scene.

Oh, and before anyone else calls me a troll, just look at how ignorant this whole thread is... I'm just contributing to the idiocy.

Those who take offense must be posers... you know what they say, if the shoe fits wear it.

And to Vim Fuego, your point didn't go over my head.. actually, you failed to make any point, other than to show how much of a poser you are. :grin: