Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Papa Josh = Troll.
Ignore button = Good.
Well, I've had my fun here.
Vim Fuego: "First, I wasn't debating how good or brutal Cannibal Corpse are or aren't. I was using them as an example of bands who have done particular things better than Suffocation, which you chose to ignore."
So, CC has done better things than Suffocation? YOU ARE A POSER!!! P-O-S-E-R.
Oh, you work for the evil mainstream media? Oh my, let me get on my knees and kiss your fucking feet! Please metal is about the underground, it should remain underground so that posers like yourself don't taint the scene.
Oh, and before anyone else calls me a troll, just look at how ignorant this whole thread is... I'm just contributing to the idiocy.
Those who take offense must be posers... you know what they say, if the shoe fits wear it.
And to Vim Fuego, your point didn't go over my head.. actually, you failed to make any point, other than to show how much of a poser you are.