Why is Dimmu Borgir disliked in Ultimate Metal?

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Well I just checked them out (Dimmu that is, "Mourning Palace")... my impression is, well, it sounds pretty freaking cheezy, but honestly I don't know why that makes people dislike them so much. I mean, to me (I'm probably going to get flak for this), Stronghold sound exceedingly cheezy just because their music sounds so... well, fake. It might be a lot better if they could record with a live orchestra. Usually synth kills it for me (the one exception being Emperor, who handles it well)

The riffs also just don't do anything for me at all either. I can easily see myself having liked them when I was just getting into extreme metal though, just like how I was obsessed with CoB for a good 2 months straight.
Well I just checked them out (Dimmu that is, "Mourning Palace")... my impression is, well, it sounds pretty freaking cheezy, but honestly I don't know why that makes people dislike them so much. I mean, to me (I'm probably going to get flak for this), Stronghold sound exceedingly cheezy just because their music sounds so... well, fake. It might be a lot better if they could record with a live orchestra. Usually synth kills it for me (the one exception being Emperor, who handles it well)

The riffs also just don't do anything for me at all either. I can easily see myself having liked them when I was just getting into extreme metal though, just like how I was obsessed with CoB for a good 2 months straight.

Dimmu is the band that got me into black metal. I never listen to them anymore, though.
Because i pointed out your cursing on COF was actually for me to be blamed on, and because i spoke the truth about my oppinion on Pantera, then yes i have to admit it is obvious i am a TROLL

:danceboy: :hotjump: :Smokedev: :tickled: :danceboy:

Yeah they played heaps of good shit from the gathering, but i was at a shit venue and could hardly see Nick.
John Tempesta played on Live In London, because Clemente was too unfit to do a whole set, and he was great.

Nicks style is light years faster then Testaments drumming so i dunno why hes there, apparently he got asked to drum for them and it has always been a dream for him so he said yes. And he will be playing for the new album (TESTAMENT WITH NON-STOP BLASTBEATS :hypno: ). But at the same time he's supposed to be in BENEDICTION. Bwah he can do what he wants... it's just a bit odd


:lol: i will probably see all of dimmus members without ever seeing dimmu at the rate im going.

men, can be john tempesta or can be nick barker, i just wanna see the show....

of course i'd like to see louie on drumm, but if he can't, what can we do?

my favorite albun is 'the new order', and i like all the others records, then they must have a drummer that can do it...

louie was very important for Testament, but he's sick, and we understand it
Listen to Burzum. Then listen to Dimmu. One is black metal the other is.....

which one is it?

Who cares? If its good who cares if its black metal? Aren't you the guy who thought DCA was an amazing album anyway?
People say Dimmu have sold out. Honestly, I don't see it. Sure, they've grown popular, but they aren't slacking off and letting the fame go to their heads, which is what I perceive as selling out.

And even if they aren't the best black metal band, they are a really great gateway band for new fans of metal to listen to. I don't think I would have discovered black metal without Dimmu Borgir (or Old Man's Child, either).

My friend wants us to cover Mourning Palace. I'm thinking it'd be a fun song to do, and it's something that I think I could learn to play better than anything else from them (not very good with double bass pedals).

If people hate them for the sake of hating them, shame on them. Boohoo, they are on MTV, their rawness has been cheapened with "Hot Topic white man Bling!" Hate them for who they are, not who they are worshipped by.

Besides, I've yet to meet a dire hardcore Dimmu fanboy. Thought I would find one by now, but no. The search goes on... Slipknot calls their fanboys "maggots" ("W3ll, fr0m teH staG3 Tehy loke liek a see o' m4gg0tz!" fags.) What would you call a Dimmu fanboy?
Dimmu has only released one really horrible album and that is the remake of Stromblaast. Other than that i find the SBD and PEM albums quite dull. The original Stormblaast album is one of the best albums i've heard and DCA is magnificent (although i dont like it all that much)
dude, the metal community hates a lot of bands, Dimmu isn't a special case. just listen to what you like and if someone badmouths your favorite bands, just realize it is just their opinion, no matter how they try and make it factual or correct.
Quite honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about some people's opinions here. For people to call Dimmu sell-outs and all that are just being really cynical, come on, like if there wasn't a band was like this around, would you have discovered other black metal bands to begin with. And also, its not like these guys are completely useless and can't make a good song for shit, jeez. I'd take Dimmu anyday over than some obscure band from Greece that records out of a studio garage. But basically, they're a good gateway band and will help people new to black metal get into it much more and for that, I applaud Dimmu for this. Enough said.
Quite honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about some people's opinions here. For people to call Dimmu sell-outs and all that are just being really cynical, come on, like if there wasn't a band was like this around, would you have discovered other black metal bands to begin with. And also, its not like these guys are completely useless and can't make a good song for shit, jeez. I'd take Dimmu anyday over than some obscure band from Greece that records out of a studio garage. But basically, they're a good gateway band and will help people new to black metal get into it much more and for that, I applaud Dimmu for this. Enough said.

i hate the fact that everyone including teenagers like to believe that dimmu borgir is black metal when in fact they are a poor excuse for music that doesnt compare to real black metal (the founders), listen to sons of northern darkness and tell me dimmu borgir doesnt suck
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