Wicked Bad News

Well good news.

Everything has been going awesome since Paris. Like a fucking dream.

Firstly, got a place to stay, the guy was a real help, he gave me the most accurate directions to the venue, EVER.

"Take the 4th street on your left on this street and then walk past metro Anvers about 500m up and it is across the road". Perfect :)

Got to the venue at 7.10pm, went upstairs and Firewind JUST came on. Perfect!!!! They were amazing though the crowd wasn't up to much. After Firewinds set I stood over by the merch stand. The guys came out and I talked to them a bit and then got invited backstage. Saw Kamelot from side on at the stage for a wee bit and then went and sat backstage. The guys are awesome and offered me beer which I had to refuse since I was on painkillers. Sad :( Went back out and hung out with Bob for a while. Talked to a guy in the crowd who is also a big Firewind fan.

Bob came back for the last song of Kamelot. March of the Mephisto. We made much fun of Roy Khan saying "It's hot in here isn't it" when he still had his coat on!!!!! LOL. Also the keyboard player who just swings his hair about and does the same thing over and over! Bob stayed and talked to some fans for a while and I seen all the guys again then after about an hour we left the venue. Bob got some pizza which I ate some of then me and Greg (sorry, I don't know the spelling) and Damien (Damn you Damien :p) went for some beers and then they went to drive home and I went back to my hotel.

The next day I was up at 11am, packed my bags and went on my way to the airport. My flight went awesome and I landed in Milan a little after 5pm. Waited ages on my bags then I was on my way. I was mega excited because I was gunna get to see my boyfriend again for the first time in like a week (which is a long time when you live together, see each other every day and haven't spent longer than 2 days apart in the last year!!!!) and see Spike again for the reunion of SAK (Spike, Alan & Kirsty). Got the bus to Milano Centrale where Alan met me. I was so happy! He looked so different! Apparently I look different aswell since I'd lost nearly a stone! Damn Europe and their crappy tap water! :p Anyway, we got the metro then the tram to Spikes place and we just hung out. Had some beers, went on the balcony and then up to the roof for a few beers.

On the day of the gig, we got up and went to this amazing pastry shop! OMFG. OMYFUG! AMAZING. We sat and ate cakes and watches CSI Miami! Haha. Then we had showers, got ready and went to the venue. We were on the guestlist. YUS. So we got in, and chose our place in the crowd and seen Forever Slave (SOMETHING ABOUT GASOLINE! SOMETHING ABOUT TRAGEDY!!!) and then Firewind came on.

Perfect. The gig was probably the best one I've been to this tour. The sound wasn't the best but the crowd was on FIRE! And Apollo said "We are Firewind...and we are dangerous!" again for the first time in AGES. Since Wolverhampton I think! Sake!

After the set we went to the merch stand, Spike got a shirt, then we went to the bar where Spike pointed out Apollo. I went over and tapped him on the shoulder and he was like "THERE YOU ARE!" and I was all "Yeah right, like you were looking for me" and he was like "I was! Ask Mark! Now quick, follow me!". So me, Al and Spike followed him and we went backstage. It was better than Paris. We stayed backstage for the whole of Kamelots set. LOL. Bob had a towel wrapped round his foot, he tripped over the microphone stand which I saw and ROFL'd at. Anyway, they left near the end of Kamelots set and we had a wee bit of banter with Forever Slave. Well Spike did in Spanish :p I'm convinced the keyboard player, Leal, is just the cutest wee thing on legs and I want to take him home! I'll keep him, and love him and feed him every day and take him for walks! *gushes* SOOOOO CUTE!

Anyway. We drank all the beer. Oops. Then we left and went to McDonalds. I SAW ROY KHAN OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! He looks like a little pig. A cute pig. And he had his glasses on. We heard him singing in the shower too apparently! LOL. And we saw him surfing the interwebs!

OH. And does anyone else think Roy Khan looks like Joey Tribianni from Friends??

Awesome. Then we went back to Spikes and to bed! Then Alan left and I'm still here at Spikes til tomorrow then I go to Athens!!! We're gunna get drunk tonight! YAAAAAAY!

Oh and my hand still hurts, but I can still type (THANK GOD :p ) and I've not been taking painkillers the last coupla days so I can drink beer. Bad, I know. I get a cast on when I get back to Scotland...and I'll get Firewind to sign it in Sweden!!!!! WOOT! Anyway, adios, ciao and goodbye, til next time :p

xx Kirsty
sounds like you've had an awesome time, i'm jealous, i miss my firewind boys :(
remember to tell them hi from me haha

and i agree, the forever slave keyboard player was really cute.
and bless, i can't remember which one he was but the forever slave guy who asked if he could look at my firewind CD on the bus was so polite!

gah, i need an epic tour quest!!!!
Yeah you're right :(


Haha, no problem. Seeing them 5 more times this tour. I go home on Friday though, after 2 more shows in Athens and Thessaloniki.

Then I set off again at the end of April to Sweden and see then 3 more times!

xx Kirsty
That men can't be trusted to do anything important!!!

Like putting people on a guestlist. Because they FORGET. And then remember and go to put the person on. Then forget on the way to do it. Then remember again when they see the person.

Not looking at anyone in particular APOLLO.

xx Kirsty