Wicked Bad News

That men can't be trusted to do anything important!!!

Like putting people on a guestlist. Because they FORGET. And then remember and go to put the person on. Then forget on the way to do it. Then remember again when they see the person.

Not looking at anyone in particular APOLLO.

:lol::lol::lol: Apollo
That men can't be trusted to do anything important!!!

Like putting people on a guestlist. Because they FORGET. And then remember and go to put the person on. Then forget on the way to do it. Then remember again when they see the person.

Not looking at anyone in particular APOLLO.

xx Kirsty

Don't confused men with a god that failed! It's not the same thing!!!
Kamelot: pretentious bastards with their fire show and WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much smoke

Whoooohooo easy there, what would Kamelot fans think?
Actually I would have been pleased to see their pyros but the organizers of the Bulgarian show told me that they couldn't get a permit from the venue or the municipality or something. Bummer :rolleyes:
Whoooohooo easy there, what would Kamelot fans think?
Actually I would have been pleased to see their pyros but the organizers of the Bulgarian show told me that they couldn't get a permit from the venue or the municipality or something. Bummer :rolleyes:

I'm a Kamelot fan.

I like their music. I don't like their stage show though. But yeah. The fire is waaay too hot although quite cool, but it's shite how Firewind weren't allowed it. Yes, WEREN'T ALLOWED, even if they wanted to. The band with the word FIRE in their name! And they did infact use stupid amounts of smoke to try appear 'atmospheric'. I was front row and had to move because my eyes stung and I felt physically ill and had to go drink some water.

xx Kirsty
pretentious bastards indeed.
and yes firewind should have definitely been allowed to use the pyros on stage, i mean, yes, FIRE is part of their name, good god! XD
that smoke machine in wolverhampton was a pain the arse! i'm slightly allergic to it, so as soon as they turn it on i go 'oh look i feel rather sick and my throat just tightened so i can't breathe properly' it's not life threatening or anything like that but it's damned annoying and uncomfortable!