winter beer 2005-2006

ImNoHippy said:
you like hoppy? Dogfish Head 120 min. IPA
i really really really want to try this, but while i can find dogfish head out here, said 120 min. ipa has proven quite elusive.

don't really like hops in the winter though, so time is running out!

Bridgeport Ebenezer (from Portland, OR)

Tasty and sweet without being syrupy. My wife tasted honey notes while I think there's some currant and other similar fruity tastes lurking. A bit too easy-drinking for such a heavy ale that I'm already a bit dizzy after one, but that's not so terrible.
I know this is the "winter beer" thread but along the way of the tour, john, ryan and i will be tasting the local favorites and will let you guys know what we think... be prepared.
I just had this local Boston Beer Works' "Haymarket Hefe-Weisen"... Jesus H Christ, the description said banana, clove, and vanilla but it tasted more like an olive and pickle beer. (OK, I could taste some banana too). Fucking disgusting, I couldn't finish more than half.
this years thanksgiving beer, we are going to pair with a nice smoked gouda. had it last night and its tasty: Corsendonk Belgian Tripel Abbey Pale Ale. Light, crisp, very flavorful, tasted all kinds of fruits like lemon and maybe apple, but not tooo strong.
I had the Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin. Not good. Too much spice as opposed to plain ol' tasty pumpkin flavor.

In other beer news, I've been loving Reinaert ales. Both the amber and the "wild" are excellent.
i had a few pints of guiness the other night.

probably the least fun of all stouts i drink, but it gets the job done and is quite refreshing. plus it was the only stout that albertchone's had and it was sorta chilly that night, so yeah.
i dunno what that is, i just know that every single beer of any sort i got in london had this thick, creamy white head and tasted delicious, and i never saw it in the US before (i don't drink guiness, so maybe guiness has it). it's not actually dairy, if that's what cream ale is.
The 2005 Deschute Jubelale is superb.

I don't think I'm gonna bother with Red Hook Winterhook or Pyramid Snow Cap this year, but they all have new artwork on the labels and at least LOOK nice.