Worst metal you've ever heard?

dill_the_devil said:
Gotta disagree there. The first album in particular was heavy as a mammoth's nut, and catching them live is a singularly violent experience.

Yeah, I really liked the first album too.

Mind you, Iron Monkey beat them into a cocked hat, of course.
Ender Rises said:
Overdeth? Megadeth cover band?

nah it is a tiiiny small swedish local band...they are big fans of megadeth though but he (the founder of the band,cant remember his name) wrote to the megadeth fanclub and accused mr mustaine of stealing his songs and wanted an apology or he would not renew his fanclub membership.

the thing about this band is that nobody seems to know if they are serious and slightly mad or if they just got an excellent sense of humour.my bet goes to the last but i am far from sure:)
Aarohi said:
Pain of Salvation? Really?

I haven't listened to much of them, but I've heard people say they're quite good.
I've never really been a big "progressive metal" fan outside of Opeth, Cynic and a few others so I didn't have much hope for them tbqh
I downloaded their album 'Be' some days ago. Just one word sprung up in my mind after it was over.. "Different". Take it the good or bad way, or whatever way you like.. but they're "nothing like you've ever heard" :erk:

The concept of that album was very good. The lead's a great vocalist and writer.. of more diverse range than probably anyone I've heard. They could be more solid and popular among prog fans with some more work on their transitions and guitar parts.
dill_the_devil said:
Gotta disagree there. The first album in particular was heavy as a mammoth's nut, and catching them live is a singularly violent experience.
I saw them live also. The only thing violent about it was how violently ill I felt watching that shit.
Scar Symmetry is pretty awful. I heard this song where the singer sounded like he was singing the word 'avatar' and it was pretty funny.
metal_wrath said:
Worst band ever: Beyond Twilight

You shitting me? The whole purpose of their last album was to convey a lot of subgenre of metal into 1 album (became 2 cds) and they did an excellent job. IF you mean worst band ever as in "different" then i agree with you.

Btw worst band ever:... i guess wasp since somebody said it.
Scar Symmetry is pretty awful. I heard this song where the singer sounded like he was singing the word 'avatar' and it was pretty funny.

I actually really like them even if they do sound sorta metalcorish. I hope they don't become a true metalcore band that would be a huge disapointment. The song you listened to fyi was The Illusionist.