Worst Movies You've ever seen

A mate once dragged me to see Meet The Fockers... absolute shit... the only high point was him getting told to shut up by other filmgoers for singing the Mechastreisand bit from South Park...
My thoughts on the Dark Knight was that it was a pretty good movie, though no where near worth the acclaim it received. I liked the portrayal of the Joker, and watching this film it was the first time in a while that I had said to myself "hey this Hollywood film wasn't completely awful!" so that's gotta be worth something. Though, despite really liking Christian Bale (especially in Velvet Goldmine, American Psycho etc) I'm not sure that I care much for him as Batman.

I think it was a lot better than the predictable and generically written Batman Begins, and the two whore-riffic Batman films prior....but always...Batman Returns is the best!
The Hot Chick. I saw this with a friend who didn't want to see LOTR: The Two Towers because he hadn't seen Fellowship, so I relented and saw that awful dreck.

My friend and I no longer speak, and I will never get that hour and a half back.
This Chinese cop movie I watched on the flight here to Hong Kong. It was boring as fuck. Most of the movie seemed to not revolve around the plot really which I'm assuming was taking down a Triad leader (since the main character was trying to infiltrate the organization). Instead it mainly revolved around this guy having a dilema because he fell in love with the Triad leaders wife and some cop chick he was working with. Also there were only a couple of fight scenes in the whole movie. The only thing that kept me watching it was a couple of hot women and that I had nothing else to do on that plane.
I am a legend (will smith)
Mortal Kombat
Ghost Rider
Dare Devil
El Mariachi
Legend of Zorro
Epic Movie (epic fail)

dunno remember more now
A girlfriend drug me to the movie that was a retarded remake of 300 (I cant even remember it's name)... it was so stupid it literally hurt me on the inside.

I'm also thinking a movie called... Gorgasm? I believe thats the name... was one of the worst things I've ever seen... slasher porn... not so pretty ladies completely naked... people getting raped with a bladed strap on dildo... a guy putting a donut around his penis and masturbating then eating it...and a killer that for some reason had a dildo on his head as far as I remember... and killed people accordingly. (jammed a giant one through the person raping people with the bladed one's eye)
My thoughts on the Dark Knight was that it was a pretty good movie, though no where near worth the acclaim it received. I liked the portrayal of the Joker, and watching this film it was the first time in a while that I had said to myself "hey this Hollywood film wasn't completely awful!" so that's gotta be worth something. Though, despite really liking Christian Bale (especially in Velvet Goldmine, American Psycho etc) I'm not sure that I care much for him as Batman.

I think it was a lot better than the predictable and generically written Batman Begins, and the two whore-riffic Batman films prior....but always...Batman Returns is the best!

i don't know why the fuck everyone was so obsesed with the joker in this movie, heath ledger being dead seriously increased ticket sales (at least for the opening weekend) and at the end of the day it wasn't really any better than jack nicholson's take on joker, also i felt that in the dark knight, two-face was done better than joker, edit out the joker, except when he's talking to harvey in the hospital, and you've got a really good two-face movie
i don't know why the fuck everyone was so obsesed with the joker in this movie, heath ledger being dead seriously increased ticket sales (at least for the opening weekend) and at the end of the day it wasn't really any better than jack nicholson's take on joker, also i felt that in the dark knight, two-face was done better than joker, edit out the joker, except when he's talking to harvey in the hospital, and you've got a really good two-face movie

Well, there was already a ton of interest and hype around the return of the Joker to the Batman movies to begin with. But I do agree, I'm certain his death did increase interest and ticket sales.

Though, I actually didn't think much of Harvey Dent/Two-face in the movie tbh.
Definately Meet the Spartans, I got lured to watching it. Such a lame ass movie, its like so lame >_>

and Lady in the water, a movie about nothing