2013 - new and upcoming albums

Amorphis - Circle

I've listened to it a few times now. It has a few good songs, one really good song (Enchanted by the Moon)... and I'm undecided on the rest.

Best band ever auuuughhhhhh
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Yeah, I don't mind that. The story behind that band seems interesting. Started way back in the mid 80s, but first full length album only in 2011? That was a long road.

In other news, Ghost has released a new album, which I enjoy:
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Female singing? Where?

I like the fact that they didn't just re-create the debut album. I'm not really listening to Ghost for the sake of heavy metalness. Now that I think about it, this is actually catering more into my current tastes than the debut.
Female singing? Where?

I like the fact that they didn't just re-create the debut album. I'm not really listening to Ghost for the sake of heavy metalness. Now that I think about it, this is actually catering more into my current tastes than the debut.
I'm sure I heard female vocals somewhere. I mean the guy sings in falsetto but it was distinctly not him. I could be wrong of course, I had a playlist with several albums running and it could have been something else.

Regardless, the songs are lame, with a few exceptions. Nothing comes close to Ritual, Elizabeth or Satan Prayer.
Earth Rocker by Clutch wins this year for me so far.

The newest Soilwork album, The Living Infinite, is quite good. It's too long, but the good songs are some of the best I can remember since Natural Born Chaos.

Looking forward to the new Satriani album. He released the first song, "A Door into Summer", and it sounds...like Satch. Kind of like Summer Song. It's wonderful to know that no matter how much music slowly evolves into a hybrid of commuter beeps and auto-tune, Satch will always be waiting in a corner with an analog recording that sounds just the way you'd expect it to. He's the virtuoso, mostly lyric-less AC/DC and I'm content with that.

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The Satch song is alright. But it sounds like he hasn't really progressed since Crystal Planet. That song could be on that album. I'd like to hear him experiment more.
The Satch song is alright. But it sounds like he hasn't really progressed since Crystal Planet. That song could be on that album. I'd like to hear him experiment more.

That's what eyeball kid was saying. Personally satch isn't for me. I need music, more than I need "nice guitar playing". But it is also refreshing, like eyeballkid says, that Joe hasn't caved and joined the modernize trend. He stuck to his style.
That's what eyeball kid was saying. Personally satch isn't for me. I need music, more than I need "nice guitar playing". But it is also refreshing, like eyeballkid says, that Joe hasn't caved and joined the modernize trend. He stuck to his style.

Totally understandable. Baroque, I agree that he could take more risks, but he's past the point of having to prove himself and has gotten a little comfortable. There's usually one or two songs on each new album that push Satch outside his normal sound, but the rest are usually quite predictable. For me, when I pick up a new Satriani album, it's all about listening to music I know I'm going to enjoy and then being surprised a couple times by some hidden gems.

As for the Sabbath song, I genuinely like it. It feels like Sabbath. I would chop two minutes off the first half, I wish it wasn't compressed beyond all hell, and I think Ozzy sounds like shit and yearn for the days of Heaven & Hell, but the song is better than I was expecting.
sounds like ozzy singing dio sabbath.
I like it.

My thoughts exactly. Not quite as good as Bible Black but let's hope this new album is still on the same level as The Devil You Know. Maybe even better, one can dream.
The new Amorphis album is pretty good. I like a couple of the songs off Gama Bomb's latest too. Both came out yesterday.

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