25 ways to know you are a newb/poseur/or just plain ignorant about metal.

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ender7227 said:
26. Your screen name is Ender

That is a decent list, some are complete trash though. You're still a little fuck, btw.
Seriously Ender have some fucking self esteem, I know you are joking, but it's annoying how you are always whinning.
BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
There's nothing wrong with Opeth man, fuck.
I don't think they're the greatest band ever, and yes they've sold out now.
But Mikael Akerfeldt has loads of talent and stop using them as a n00b band.
N00b metal bands are; Slipknot, Korn, NU Metallica, Atreyu, Trivium, Machine Head etc.

In order to be a n00b metal band you have to play metal methinks...
I wouldn't be that extreme, I just hope he gets arrested for 10 counts of child pornography and then raped in prison by a Fred Durst lookalike.
"Social Parasitism"

Everyday I see the spread
of my pals culture in America
Spreading like a slow disease
Embracing youth like a slave

Their ghettos littered with garbage and trash
Spraypainted streetcorners and barred windows
A generation of pimps, hoods and thieves
my pals or wiggers, both breed like rats

Their culture of thievery and crack
Taking and using and leeching the system

Welfare breeders and streetcorner trash
The only race to sell it's own as slaves
Squash every opportunity, expecting endless charity
I had nothing to do with their ancestor's slavery

Their culture of thievery and crack
Taking and using and leeching the system

The spread of my pals culture
Deteriorates from within
Our cities are polluted with
Human beings not worthy of life

The early slavetraders were African
Selling their own race to Europeans
They kill each other one by one
A confused race with no direction

my pals breed relentlessly
Rats of our soceity

Lyrics: 4/28/05
Altered title to avoid criminal action: 7/28/05
originally titled "The Spread Of my pals Culture"
I'll just add my two cents and agree with everyone else - what a shit list, why do people waste their valuable time writing out garbage like that when they could be masturbating?
Stormwatch said:
I'll just add my two cents and agree with everyone else - what a shit list, why do people waste their valuable time writing out garbage like that when they could be masturbating?
Consuming Impulse made a list(you can just tell it was him).



this board must have really struck a nerve with him.
I guess I wont be a complete asshole and say that I agree with number 7 and 20.

I am a fan of both Avenged Sevenfold and Trivium. But I know they're not Metal. It seems like I'm the only fan of either band who knows that they aren't. That's why I hate most of their fans.
who the hell thinks slayer is death metal? lol that was just fucking stupid. Whoever posts on here has to have listened to slayer ATLEAST once....well... id like to think....
Stormwatch said:
I'll just add my two cents and agree with everyone else - what a shit list, why do people waste their valuable time writing out garbage like that when they could be masturbating?

lol - probably because 80% of the members on this board use that list's logic as the majority of their posts when trying to bash other people's tastes. Frankly, I'm surprised everyone here is ragging on the guy when you know you're all guilty of using stereotypes and shit too.

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