According to Slipknot Opeth is mainstream...

Mainstream???? WTF! Slipknot vs. Opeth? Sounds like they're trying to pick a fight to me; because that is just blatantly, retardedly, stupidly.... um.... stupid. Well let's see, Opeth hasn't played Ozzfest, Slipknot has... hmmm... Whether Opeth ever becomes "mainstream" or not, doesn't matter to me, it'll always be good music; the fact is that at the moment, that is just a retarded statement. Believe me, I'd love to see Opeth playing bigger venues, but the pound in frisco isn't exactly a "mainstream" venue.
Overall i thought that was well written, and the questions nicely answered. And Opeth are becoming quite popular, calling them mainstream isnt so ridiculous, i think it was just a way of saying all the underground metal bands that are getting quite popular these days (in flames, opeth, etc).

And besides, thats just a fan writing that, isnt it? Its not slipknot themselves like your thread title makes it sound.

Actually im very impressed with most of those responses, sounds like a guy who knows slipknot arent gods, yet isnt scared to still enjoy the music for what it is.
Well written, in its content and ideas, not in its use of correct language or whatever.. like that matters, plenty of opeth fans who fuck up language all the time.. me included.
It was very well written. Nothing wrong with a fan defending a band that he likes, even if it is Slipknot.:p

And Opeth are growing in popularity, but maybe using the word mainstream is getting a bit ahead of ourselves. A foreboding, maybe?
In which case you are greatly mistaken, almost everyone has at least one guilty pleasure, one terribly simple mainstream band that they know are absolutely shit and talentless yet they for some reason enjoy listening to.

If he was saying how amazingly talented Avril Lavigne is then you might have a case, but simply saying that he enjoys some of her songs, well so what. Good for him that he can admit he gets enjoyment from simpler music, while also seemingly getting into more technical stuff. He may not have music tastes i necessarily agree with, but im sure he leads a different life, and is a different person, and looks for different things from music... no problem!

Music can be many many many things... from a great technical story, to an exploration of a mood or theme, to something to dance to, to something simple to be a backdrop for a message, etc..

All are valid, all have their uses. Its when people start claiming their music is something that it isnt, thats when theres a problem.
ah, a reply was deleted it seems, my post is therefore nonsensical....
Yeah I deleted it, it was not relevant with the topic itself...

You're enterely right about all you've said...except that I'm mistaken :).
There's a huge difference of being into specific music and listen music as a guilty pleasure.

For exemple, I like to listen to some Nightwish from time to time without being "really into" that particular band.
absurd. to call opeth mainstream in comparison to slipknot, a band that makes videos for mtv and is certified platinum. by opeth's song lenghts alone they will never have mainstream accessability. but i find this quote to be even more amusing:

"1.3.2. Slipknot's music is just simple. I can play guitars better than the guy with the white mask.
Music doesn't have to be technical to be good. And besides, everything Slipknot has released are being screened by both the record label and their current producer Ross Robinson. The guitar solos and shredding that Mick Thomson used on "Iowa" have been pulled out during recording sessions (rumor has it that the label believes that the album won't sell because the target demographic are mallcore fans) so we really can't tell if Mick is playing 100% on the records they pulled out. "

basically he's defending their lack of talent by admitting they are corporate sell-outs. pathetic.
I think in comparison to Slipknot, it's very unfair to say Opeth is a mainstream band. Sure, they are getting alot more popularity as of late and I've seen those same mallcore kids wearing Opeth shirts, however, Opeth is hardly the first band you get introduced to from the metal genre.. you're MUCH more likely to have heard Slipknot or the various nu-metal acts first.
I like everything YaYo said.

I also like Slipknot. It's heavy stuff. They rock. It's not the greatest stuff ever made, but it's still pretty good. (They really don't need the sampler guy....why doesn't the DJ do samples?)

However, comparing them to Opeth in terms of mainstream-ness, that guy pretty much misses the mark by, oh, ten million miles. He could've picked quite a few other bands for that sentence instead of Opeth...

And personally, I think a majority of people spend WAY too much time worrying about who else likes the music that they like, and then bashing said people. Music is for EVERYBODY, folks. Like it or not, chances are someone that's different from you enjoys some kind of music that you like also...